Prolouge: A Drop of Blood

Author’s Note:

I didn’t come up with a title for this story because:
1) I wouldn’t be able to fit it.
2)No real title really fits this story

I was inspired by SilverFx to write with more detail.


The once white marble castle was stained with blood. A horrific incident occurred not long ago. Not far from the castle, a girl limps across the snow fields of El Nath, her blood staining the pure white snow. Pausing for only a second, she looks up to the starry night. The moon is bright, projecting the deserted field. The night was peaceful, the silence singing in her ears. She moves on, never looking back. Yet her blood still flows into the snow, weakening her.

A book is tucked under her arm. Its silver back comes in contact with her skin, sending a piercing pain through her injured arm. Wincing in pain, the girl makes no sound as she travels through the snow. She grips on to the book tightly, never letting go. Tears flood her eyes as she recalls her past. Near by, a howl of pain pierces the silence. The girl’s eyes widen with shock, and sets on a faster pace.

Shadows dance in the moonlight, but the girl does not notice. She only has the strength to continue on with her quest. Her limp worsens as she hits a rock, yet she never screams out in pain. The shadows draw closer to the girl, yet she still takes no notice of them. She stares intently into the horizon, never blinking once. Suddenly, she collides into a body. A deep smell fills her lungs.

“You cannot run from us forever, my dear,” the man said, touching her cheek with his clammy touch, “Your time is up in this world.”

The girl looks deep into his eyes without emotion. She has lost most of her soul, unable to portray any emotions. The touch of the hand sent a shiver down her spine. She smacks his hand away and attempts to escape. Her futile attempt failed to help her. The man grips her on the shoulder as she squirms in his grasp.

“It is time for you to leave,” he whispered in her ear. He reaches deep within his pocket and draws out his stars. The girl manages to break away from him but it was too late. A steely hits her and she collapses to the floor, breathing her last breath on Earth.

The man walks away, leaving the girl in the white snow under the full moon’s glare. Her book still rests in her arm.

5 thoughts on “Prolouge: A Drop of Blood”

  1. hmmm, if she is bleeding so much then should u call it like sea of blood or the river of red? O_o i dont no its pretty good i guess?

  2. I inspired you? *is touched*
    Descriptive writing is the fun-nest way to write, imo. You really need skill to juggle all the layers of details. Keep it up!

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