Maturity is a part of the cycle of life for humans. For each person, it comes at a different time. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s just that some kids are trying to act mature.
I can’t say I’m mature myself. I have different sides, and I act differently to some people than others. To my best friends, I’m immature. To my friend’s parents, I try to be mature so I won’t embarrass myself and also set a good example. Plus, I’m 13.
Lately, I’ve seen people on MS talking about stuff, like *cough cough* you know. And asking people to be their GF/BF and swearing. This is my opinion, but I think kids swear to act cool. And peer pressure.
About the (censored 3 letter word beginning with s) thing that been going around MS. God, why the hell would you ask someone to do it with you if they probably live half way across the world? Plus, for the kid population of the people who do this, READ UP AND HUMAN BIOLOGY!!!! (I know this because it was in my Personal Planning curriculum.)
The GF/BF crap. Kinda the same as before. They probably live half way across the world. And they might look good on MS, but how the hell do you know how they look in real life? For all you know, they might be a 50 year old guy/woman pedophile.
Swearing. Some people think swearing increases their maturity. WRONG. Swearing is to express strong emotions, and most kids shouldn’t even know about them. Heck, back in Gr. 1, I thought shut up was swearing. Now? I accidentally bump into a Gr. 2 and he says, “F*ck off!”
What maturity really is. This is what I think, at least mature mentally. You begin to think from different perspectives, and beginning to understand adult emotions. This is why teens often think the world (or parents) is against them. You’re suddenly hit with stress, a new emotion. You begin to see the world in a new way.
As for physically, all I can say without getting banned is puberty.
I’m sick of people trying to act mature. You know when your mature when the time comes. For now, just act like yourself.
Go flame all you want.
I agree! Its changed so much, and i’m 14
I don’t want to flame. Why? Because one, you make sense, and two, while this is overdone, I agree with your point on people being stupid. But sadly, the world is more interesting with noobs, both noobs to MapleStory and noobs to the game of LIFE. =3
Sorry, I just had to vent out my anger on some topic cuz my mom banned me off MS for a week.
I’m just so sick of people who try to act “cool.” This whole year at school was about that. The swearing in between every two words, shallow people, players. . .
woah, im a spazz.
~Serena <3 Kevin
I love being immature. I do it very well and it annoys the heck out of everyone around me if I put my mind to it. But I can do that perfectly well without swearing or thinking about the opposite sex.
Conclusion: Your definition of immature is too narrow.
I meant those people who try to be mature but really aren’t. Heck, I love being immature around people I’m cool with.
good luck getting un banned from ms
Huh? *looks confused*
Acting imature is FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN i do it to annoy people cause its like entertaiment xd
I’m not very mature, I think. Some people tell me that I act like a middle schooler. Some tell me I act 18. Some tell me I act 30, Hell, I don’t know what I am anymore.
post too short blablabla
You are like the most awesomest person ever. =).
Good job.
Yay I’m 13 as well
.=! Generally, I would describe myself as immature cause I do lame things like kicking a soccer ball around in the classroom. Then again, I’d rather spend 5 hours thinking about some girl in my school that I’m hopelessly infatuated (the word hopelessly means a lot here) with over playing maple story or writing my story. Yes I’m weird I know that.
PS: I already gave my reason for not writing my story quickly enough, so nobody has to ask twice. (Did anyone even ask?)
I also agree, kids these days think its so cool to swear, I remember when kids thought stupid was a bad word, now its even in kids shows, Most of the MS players are young, and tend to think they are the bigger person when they cuss at you and such, its realy stupid,
gujju ♥
ugh like my bro he swears ALL the time and i tell him that it degrades him(i dunno why) and he says im not saying dam*, im saying dam!
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