Grad Poem

This is just a little something I wrote for my friends, since I’m graduating this year. BTW, my school system is: elementary school (K~7) and high school (8~12). Please feel free to comment and give suggestions on my poetry.

As I stroll down memory lane,
Though this past year,
I realize how lucky I am,
To have this great year.

The last year of elementary school,
When there was no strain for exams.
Just chillin’ back with my friends,
As the good times pass.

My friends…I realized how important
they were in my life.
Like they owned a large part of my heart.
Nothing would go in the way
Of our friendship.

Now, looking ahead,
High school is approaching.
A new place.
A new environment.

I know I don’t want to leave,
But we have to move on sometime.
Thus ends a part of my life,
And heading on to the next.

I was eager to see high school,
But something kept pulling me back.
It was the pain of leaving behind my childhood,
And everyone I’ve known.

Everything I was familiar with,
Gone, gone, gone.
Now leave an unexplored path,
Down memory lane.

Crying myself to sleep,
I just don’t want the good times to end.
But yet,
Some parts of my childhood,
I just want to leave behind.

Just forget what happened,
I tell myself.
Nothing will change,
This is all a dream.

4 thoughts on “Grad Poem”

  1. wow. . . and btw i like rhyming poems for some reason (anyways dont get me wrong– it was great :D)

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