This is a story is a sad one and a romance one .enjoy~~~~
A Lost Life! ~~~ Prologue
This story is about how a boy named Thomas who cares for this one girl a lot. He was at Heneseys hanging out with his girl named Mary. The disaster started when Thomas got into a fight with the town bully. Thomas was usually a calm Assassin .but if you got him mad he wouldnt let it go.
The Fight .
Thomas was unarmed at the moment striking with only his fists. The town bully was a Dragon Knight so it was an unfair advantage. Thomas slammed his fist into Jeffs (bully) stomach. Jeff got up about to smash Thomas right in the face until Thomas ducked and swiped under Jeff. Jeff flipped in the air coming down, slamming is feet in Thomas. Thomas grabbed a rock near by throwing it at Jeffs face. The rock was sharp so it did some damage to Jeffs face. Jeff stepped back, one hand holding his face and the other being squeezed tightly.
Thomas now standing up brushing the dirt off his clothes, was ready to fight.
You ready or you going to chicken out? Thomas said.
Jeff answered, Im not giving up yet, just a little scratch on my face!
Jeff got up while looking down. Jeff charged at Thomas with fists of steel. Thomas was hit and knocked out cold.
Thomas woke up laying by a big crevice that had been left there by an earthquake. He looked over his shoulder and saw a big crowd coming. He looked even harder and saw Mary! Thomas stood up but was knocked down again by a stick thrown by Jeff. Thomas got back up and stood in front of Jeff, by this time the crowd was surrounding them.
Whats going on? Thomas asked
You, at the end of the crevice, dead! Jeff laughed
Jeff head-butted Thomas, picked him up and threw him in the crevice.
As Thomas was falling he heard the cries of Mary.
Will Thomas die?
Find out on .. A Lost Life ~~~ Chapter 1!
Try not to use Thomas that much.
I just stink at writing
Then don’t write if you can’t write? :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
lol I’m trying to get better -.-
why would I stop writing
So many fan-fics. . .
So many. . .
I’m working on this one for a lil then continueing Adventure Of A Warrior
can comeone just like this blog?
does anyone see an improvement with my writing?
It only has 28 views. I’ll admit one thing that this is not going to make it to the front page ;(, but you are getting better. It only has 28 views from me commenting lol.
ok well just wait I’ll get better
omg I stink i have 13 blogs and only 10 liked its im doing bad
It’s not all about liked it.
whats it about then?
Why do you write?
hiii im going to write something called: My Life Sucks
umm it’s pretty mostly active, tragic, violent, and stuff,
I think, 0_0