Would you steal from Zakum?

Do you think if you steal from zakum he would come after you?…

or maybe he would just steal your girlfriend…

maybe he would crush you…

hmm zakum is pretty big…

or maybe he would call PizzaHut and order 50 pizzas to your address…

maybe he would tell your mommy…

maybe he would stalk you and lick your neck when your bck is turned…

maybe he would spam you night and day…

maybe he would attack your town…

maybe he would eat all your food…

or maybe you would just get a message that says: You cannot use this skill on boss monsters…-_-

Would you steal from Zakum?

15 thoughts on “Would you steal from Zakum?”

  1. lol urs too hey read my new ones lol i giv u 8/10 i will not still from
    Zakum i scared i die lol

  2. NOOO!
    Zakum ate my DONUT!
    I WILL GET MY REVENGE! -eats another donut from the 100 donut box-

  3. omg o.o! zakum stole my manga books T_______T *smaks zakum* O.O o woops. *zakum crushed me* (<–BOOM!)

  4. lol :p

    Man the same people comment on everyone’s blogs, they just want you to read their entries -_-

  5. Sietelle said: “lol :p

    Man the same people comment on everyone’s blogs, they just want you to read their entries -_-“

    are you referring to me or the people who comment on my blog

  6. lmao, i would steal from zakum man, all his stuff is like lvl 90+ man *steals blue screamer, and gets crushed immeadetley* see? atleast i got the screamer xD

  7. Ozuuma said: “lol zakum licks your neck when ur back is turned lol”


    i know im not the only one who finds that creepy

  8. *guesses way into sushiXchris’s bandit* goes to zakum with much luck. uses savage blow. guess what? MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS! gets crushed. goes to mushmom. MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS 1 oh i hit 1 yay. *gets killed*

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