Sorry i havent been on MMOTales lately but ive been doing interesting things in my actual life
first off i found out the reason why i was so negative and depressed
my frickin’ grades
that was it
the minute my mom found out how horrible my grades were and was done yelling and being dissapointed with me i felt good again
now im back to my old self
i just hate the abundance of D’s and F’s i have
well if i dont get into the college i want i guess i can live off ramen and waffles for the rest of my life
i expected to watch halloween movies and specials on TV all night and pretend im not home
until i decided to stop that tradition
i mean i have job, money, and a car now
so lets do something a bit more exciting
i went out and bought some candy
and i decided to give the kids what they wanted
but then i thought ANTI-CONFORMITY!
everyone was giving out candy
why should i supply what they were already gonna have bags and buckets full of
so i started off giving candy but then i decided to give out Cup-Ramen
yes, the ramen in the little styrofoam cups the instant stuff
and i was surprised at the amount of people that took it
except one guy. . .
(Waffle puts cup noodles into a 4 year old kids basket)
Dad: hey man, what are you putting in my kids basket?
Me: cup ramen. you know the instant stuff
Dad: he’s four whats he gonna do with noodles?
Me: eat them
Dad: dont you have any candy
Dad:. . . (had a look on his face like he was expecting me to give candy)
Me: silence is pretty cool, i guess.
Dad: look take your noodles back we’ll go to the next house
Me: you act like noodles are gonna poison him
Dad: You dont give noodles on halloween, you give candy!
Me: there arent any written rules on what you can give on halloween, the guy down the street is giving doritos!
Dad: well thats a danger to my kids health! what if he were to choke on it! i highly doubt my son is going to cook noodles.
Me: so apparently he cant choke on candy
Dad: where are your parents?
Me: not home right now.
Dad: (looks at address) i’l remember this house. please give me your number i want to talk to your parents.
Me: My “mommy” told me not to give my info to strangers
he left after that
man it was funny
i was laughing too hard
well anyway after that just to be safe i decided to just give candy
i dont think i was wrong but still i dont need anybody suing me for attempting to murder a child or something
wow what i night
well, anyway on maplestory my fighter should be 50 soon
been playing for like 3 years (or is it 2?) and still only 50
still im proud of where i am
i havent leveled my supernoob in years either
still mad my Nx expired though
Best halloween ever.
The Ninja handed out Red Bulls. ;DDD
I wish I went to both of your houses. Ramen and Red Bull
That was funny. “what is he going to do with noodles?” “eat them” lol
I love that.
We only had one pair of kids come by and we didn’t have any candy. Halloween isn’t such a big deal here.
Worst halloween ever
Danm kids ringing up doorbells while I try to finish my homework.
This is what happens when you don’t go trick or treating
lol. nice
btw waffle can i add ur fighter?
message me if u want to (private message)
i have a lvl45 sin
oh the stupid kids with their stupid tights -________________-
xD Nice, way to be ruley Waffle.
lol omg that was funny xD hehe
i live in a condo complex full of old ppl i decicded to not even bother trying to habd out candie,beuase last year i spent an hour just sitting there,and even tho no kids came we still ran out of candie withen that 1 hour, *Its still a mystery* O_o
*fades away*
Nobody At Night
HAHAHA oh man i wish i went to your house and you give me noodles!
lol i got a banana at this one house -_-
Man, that’s freakin’ sweet. Fortunately, no one came to my door trick or treating. Cause I live in a dorm. It would be just weird if someone came in the dorm and went from room to room trick or treating.
I probably would just give them some easy mac or something if they did.
holy crap
uh oh
the guy wasnt joking
he just drove up and rang the doorbell
i pretended i wasnt home
i need to make sure he doesnt come when my parents are here
i’ll never hear the end of: “you gave our food away?”
its onlynoodles but my mom’ll kill me XP
Wow, that is the most original thing I have seen anyone giving out on halloween, and because of you I want some instant ramen myself
who would be that serious about someone giving away noodles o.o
and even coming back x.x
Danm kids ringing up doorbells while I try to finish my homework.
This is what happens when you don’t go trick or treating”
Lol, same. The only reason why I was still working on homework is cause I was procrastinating, though. My teachers are nice and don’t give 1-day homework on halloween. But I had a 2-day assignment assigned the day before and due the day after, and I hadn’t started and all xD
OMG, did that rly happened? Its sooo funny! Haha,
LMAO, man, trust you and the Ninja to hand out weird, random things at Halloween. xDD
Last year some guy handed me a apricot . . .
LOL! CUP NOODLES! I wish I got cup noodles when I went trick-or-treating. Wait. I didn’t do trick-or-treating. I was studying for a bunch of tests. >_<
lmfao thats awesome XD i wish I got cup ramen instead of friggin CANDY ZOMG.
who would be that serious about someone giving away noodles o.o
and even coming back x.x”
Thank you!
gawd the guy needs to eat some waffles
I trick-or-treated n’ stuff.
Man, if I knew you were gonna give cup ramen.
I was-a gonna go.
cos. . .
>.<” ok,now i’m hungry. *goes to find cup ramen*
Dad: hey man, what are you putting in my kids basket?
Me: cup ramen. you know the instant stuff
Dad: he’s four whats he gonna do with noodles?
Me: eat them
Dad: dont you have any candy
Dad:. . . (had a look on his face like he was expecting me to give candy)
Me: silence is pretty cool, i guess.
Dad: look take your noodles back we’ll go to the next house
Me: you act like noodles are gonna poison him
Dad: You dont give noodles on halloween, you give candy!
Me: there arent any written rules on what you can give on halloween, the guy down the street is giving doritos!
Dad: well thats a danger to my kids health! what if he were to choke on it! i highly doubt my son is going to cook noodles.
Me: so apparently he cant choke on candy
Dad: where are your parents?
Me: not home right now.
Dad: (looks at address) i’l remember this house. please give me your number i want to talk to your parents.
Me: My “mommy” told me not to give my info to strangers
my favorite part!
i LOVE your halloween! =)
<33 Liviadia.
Living the rest of your life on cup-ramen and Waffles?
Your not alone.
Lol. Handing out noodles to kids. I wish more people acted as stupid as you do.
I handed out expired mints
Lol waffle i love you stroies and i there true. CUP RAMEN I WISH I WENT TO UR HOUSE XD
Well, you should’ve done what I did. My parents went out, left me with all the candy. I sat with a super box set of “little britain”, eating all the candy, and telling all the kids that I ran out of candy, but if they wanted to, I could give them vegies. That certainly did the trick :D.
i gave out candy and i went trick-or-treating for like 10 minutes but got bored, any way like 1/2 the people that go trick-or-treating in my neighbourhood dont wear costumes cuz it 2 cold -_- and i got a crazy amount of homework on hallowwen how come u guys have schools wheree they r nice 2 u? ='(
I love reading your blogs! They’re all so funny! (And very easy to read with your line space line space format!)
I dressed up as a ninja for halloween! And my friend and I were going to my other friends house, and I got us lost and we ended up at the subway station o.O
It would have been funny-er if you threw more noodles at him.

Of course, that might be sue-able territory, so forget I said that.
But you have’ta admit, it would be funny if this was a world without consiquences