Waffle: Time Machine

original link: link

It still counts

One of my old basil blogs before we had MMOTales

You can hear the young in me i think

of course i’d be the best judge

i know myself better than you do:

hey marketers, a while ago i submitted a blog about how crappy my luck was. well so far my luck has been turning aruond and ive had a great week.

it started off when i was a level 30. i decided to pq and ended up with the best team i ever pq’d with. even the level 21 didnt slow us down becuz we still beat the pq in like record time. we did like 8 pq’s in a row and every single time (except the last pq) the number or coupons we needed was 15 or less, the combinations for the number puzzles were 1;2 and a number like 123 or 124 or 125. i also got great prizes such as another pair of saphirre earrings ( gave to my pq member cuz he got ores =( ) and i got scrolls 3 pqs ina a row the last pq i got the ores… but they were ones i needed! so after i did my last pq and i leveld we went our seperate ways

which was a good thing cuz my friend zlink called me on the phone and say “wanna go to ossy?” and im like “well,uhhh yeah why not”. and i am glad i did becuase i got to see with my own eyes on my own screen — tiger, paint, and BeePuke owning balrog. it was soo kikass !!!

you should’ve seen these guys so when i finnaly go to orbis i went into the tower cuz we wnted to go to elnath so i did huckles quest

and as i was fighting the jr sents i found an illoon ( which is good i nvr get equip drops) so i meet up my another good friend ( not a basil marketer) and i go to elnath with her not only did we have a good time but as we were training with kitties… on only like my 4th kitties i got an umbrella. i was so happy.

truly one of the best times on maple ive ever had. looks like my luck is turning around.

I still got them pics, too

tiger beepuke and paintt

Tiger was 112 at the time

i’d post em’ but i’m too lazy to host them on imageshack

also found the infamous glitch thread: link

at the time it was the longest thread

13 pages back then was INSANE

it’s also how i came to know Guruji and LightDark

That lead to me and Guru’s great friendship (which he wants to endanger with his hacking shenanigans -_-)

hope he sees this eventually

good times

seeing Vulpes (wonderful person) brings back many memories

Sorry we never made that Waffle-Pie =(

The days when Mr.basil actually posted and such

i miss those days Mr.B

you’re so in your work now we, as basilers, never get to communicate with you

Basilers are STUPID, now though

so they ruin all the good thingswe have =/

I can’t complain this time though

i’ve found THE most embarrassing thread i’ve ever made

i was really noob back then

angry too: link

the people on the thread own me too =/

I have to accept the fact good times don’t last forever

as foolish as it is to let old basil rule my emotions

i can’t help but thing about all the good times i had and get sad =/

I mean considering i spent 60% of my time on basil back then

it was a big part of me which i kinda miss

but hey

At least i’m still Waffle

(Favorite Quote from the old basil:

Young ShadowWaffle said: ” its over but hey do you guys no what spanghew means?

it means to violently throw a frog in the air!

isnt that cool? “

29 thoughts on “Waffle: Time Machine”

  1. Old Basil! >O
    I never was around for that… I think I was playing Runescape then. >.>

    Which is coincidentally what I’m doing right now… Hmm. =/

  2. Said a 3 letter synonym for “gender” that starts with an S

    you know how babies are made?

    Don’t repeat it though

    you’ll get autobanned

  3. dee32693 said: “sphanghew?


    I remember spanghew but i don’t remember where i got it from

    all i know is that i said it on the glitch thread

    6th page

    edit: just googled it though

    got this: link

  4. Waffle said: “ShadowWaffle : woah ive been in basilmarket b4 alot of other ppl does that make me like

    a BasilMarket pro? o.0″

  5. That was the noob me again XD

    i said lotsa thing back then that contradict me now

    I’ve matured

    even in just 2 years

    it’s apparent

  6. *thinking back to Grimno’s newb days*

    Hmmm. . . . . Hmmmmmmmm. . . . hmmmmmmm?
    Nope, can’t remember. >.>
    I remember some experiences, but nothing “memorable”

  7. link

    hahahaha this page is epic

    read the comments

    i remember what happened

    pretty much this dude arialanus pops in and flames everyone calling us stupid

    man that page was great

    we all get together and own him XD

    edit: i remember Zendarus, too

    I hated that guy -_-

    and raenif

    man that little 12 year old punk got on my nerves

  8. shaghew is a pimp word

    The Assulter,

    Still Young,

    TheAssulter said: “Spaghew is a pimp word”

    The Old Assulter says this
    about spaghew now:

    TheOldAssulter said: “Still is”
  9. Ahaha…wow!
    You have matured! But the old you was still funny x) But awesome memories though–looks like you and Sushil were having a blast back then ;3

  10. SilverFx said: “Wow, you mean Basil actually had those literate responses. o_o”


    you must not have readthe glitch thread if it isn’t

    we were pretty illiterate now thati look bad


  11. There are literate responses on Basil. Bowman section ftw.

    All I remember from my earliest days on Basil is me arguing that Holy Arrow isn’t useless and getting bashed every day >.>

  12. I really never went to basil back then. I remember going there to sell some stuff but it never worked out.

  13. oh, and sorry aboutthe weird typing. Waffle flavored lays are good. Actually, they’re just expired.

  14. The only reason i fell apart from basil in the first place was because when they created the 5 feedback limit i only has 2 feed back =/

    so i couldn’t post -_-

    when i was finally able to post everyone was stupid

    that’s why i began to hate basil

    i lost all my friends and such from before =/

  15. OH MY GAWD
    Memories to back when I was a n00b,
    *sigh*, it was back when people tried debating morals,
    Well, I’ve learned quite a bit from Gaiaonline’s Extended Discussion forums, one thing is for sure, I’m a better debater now,

  16. Guruji said: “OH MY GAWD
    Memories to back when I was a n00b,
    *sigh*, it was back when people tried debating morals,
    Well, I’ve learned quite a bit from Gaiaonline’s Extended Discussion forums, one thing is for sure, I’m a better debater now,

    Yeah, that don’t work no more, though

    Regardless, it’s not like online debates take any skill

    whoever has more time and stubborness wins

    a person could be wrong but as long as they sit their ass in front of the screen and say they’re right the longest they automatically win

    that’s why i don’t get into arguments

    it doesn’t matter how right you are

    all it is is an endurance test

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