Waffle The Mage

man so stressed out today -_-

seriously nothing was going right today

so i am so happy to get home because i figure: “time to escape from the crappiness of the real world”

and then more stress on MS

by now im thinking: “ok even a game is stressing me out”

so now i had no choice but to go chill like i always do

but wait!

i just remeber that lil’ mage a made a ways ago

i made a mage to level 10 like forever ago for 2 reasons

#1: to find a RL friend who moved to windia after taking my supernoob off the island, link

(long story about why he had my info)


#2: so i could say i have at least one character on windia to people

i’ve been screwin on him lately and leveled him twice today

despite the ksers and IL mages

wow mages are soo easy

seriously not only did it take like no time at all i simply pressed left, magic claw, right, magic claw, left, magic claw

and i was owning slimes (the mage was only 15 alright -_-)

by the time i finished getting candy i level up twice

now i originally thought of selling the candy for a little profit

because unlike other people i hated the pumpkin basket

it was one of the dumbest weapons ever and my maple flag looked cooler and owned it

my maple flag is even scrolled XD

but i decided to get my basket anyway

and then i look at my chat bar:

“you have lost (100 candies), you have gained (PumpkinBasket 06′ SE)

2006 special edition whats so great about it

+10 speed is!

for my warrior thats nothing

for my little unfunded mage thats ownage

so overall it was a nice little experience on my mage

but my day is still going pretty badly

wow i need a Waffle

*edit: what there are no waffles in the frikin freezer



so angry

man being suicidal would own in these situations

but im not gonna go there -_-*

pic#1 that mage in the red is a godmode hacker

when i mention it he made sure to show it off and brag about it

pic#2 whats an 06′ special edition?

pic#3 ooooh thats an 06 special edition

pic#4 leveling up

pic#5 the maple bg i gots on my psp

i mades it myself (im new paint shop pro so need to for “lol thats sux”)

i personally like the glowing effect around the maplestory =)

15 thoughts on “Waffle The Mage”

  1. i had my share of s*** days on MS
    now i got 8 months of volunteer work with 10 a**hole people and i have to LIVE with them, meanwhile the only comp in the house is windows 98
    and it can;t do MS. now THAT is weak -_-

  2. cool im sorry that wasnt me who typed that it was my friend!

    Im gonna try to take it off if i can,



    The halloween patch mad it orange =_=

  4. aww waffle, well i hope your days get better~!
    but at least you got that sweet little basket that gave your mage +10 speed.

    and that wallpaper totally owns.


  5. Windia, 😀
    I play there.
    Recall basil help 😛 thanks again.
    (the hair quest makes me angry)
    Yin isn’t there anymore =(
    MadNoodles. that should strike fear in anyones heart 😛

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