Waffle: Level 40 and girly waffles

I was seriously dissapointed with the quality of my last blog

I felt that way as i wrote it, which is the reason i made a reference to how horrible my blogs are

So now i’m going to fit a bit more detail in it

MysticWaffle is level 39, and i’ve noticed something

Something I always knew was true, but i forgot about it

37, is the level where things become gradually more difficult

Not much, I could still do 2 levels a day and such if i felt it

But it’s the turning point

I don’t remember the exp and i don’t really care to look it up, right now

But it the level where you feel like you’re actually. . .grinding

at least, for me it is

Still, though i plan to level to 40 this weekend

I’m training at retz right now

I love these things

The map is so small and he spawn is awesome

and since i mostly 2 hit and occasionally 3 hit them s’all good

My favorite thing about it is since the connection in my room is wireless

it’s not so fast >.>

However, i can do this Shinobi-esque thing

not a naruto reference (>.&gt, but the game for ps2

You see, in the game, Shinobi can chop up all these enemies with his sword

and they just stand there

this is because after you kill all of the enemies surrounding you shinobi puts his sword back in it’s sheath. . .

and all the monsters fall apart

search it on youtube, it’s awesome

but anyway, when i lag sometimes, the game still runs and the animation still goes

so i walk around the map hitting all of the enemies so when i stop lagging. . .

they all die at the same time

all the monsters on the screen

it’s extremely cool

and i’m set for 40

got my pickpocket and dark pilfer (both for awesome deals)

My pickpocket pilfer is +2 luk 29 def and only cost me 75k (Yeah bish)

my dark pilfer is +3 luk and 27 def (Hell yeah, no more bamboo hat)

i plan to finish scrolling my snowshoes for +10 speed but if not i’m almost guaranteed +8’s

so it’s all good

And i have a few more levels till i get to use SB

what a letdown >.>


Then i don’t even get to max SB or booster, because i have to add 6 booster

and then continue SB -_-

and then friggin haste -_- and then booster

it’s like i only get a sample of all these awesome moves -_-

and it makes me sad

ShadowWaffle is alright

he’s not dying of neglect

i still abuse him >=)

And so does aliyah

swooning over perma-beginners with me and MPQing with ShadowWaffle

i cringe when i think of ShadowWaffle, the epitome of awesomeness



saying: “Drop the passes, SILLYBUTT <333!”


s’all good though

I’m Waffle

i can roll like that

I gots more to say but i’ll save that for another blog

these are skimpy as it is


Edit: The dark pilfer was only 200k and that’s easily 700k-1mil based on the prices i saw)

24 thoughts on “Waffle: Level 40 and girly waffles”

  1. Indeed 3 lucks are expensive

    @dest: you’ve got it before, i’m sure

    i admit, though

    Waffle is so manly i would spaz, too

  2. Waffle said: “I was going to make a sexual comment

    but i was too lazy”

    Get off your lazy butt and make the comment.

  3. AliyahRoyal said: “Hehe. XD MPQing your character was so spiffy. =D
    But then I just realized you’re 52.
    At level 52–you can successfully LEECH AT ZOMBIES!


    That’s interesting

    now if my bandit could leech, that’d be something =)

  4. 37 the turning point? Never for me. I’ve never trained a minute on any char from 35-40. LPQ ftw.

    For me, 44 is when it starts slowing.

  5. RussetAure said: “37 the turning point? Never for me. I’ve never trained a minute on any char from 35-40. LPQ ftw.

    For me, 44 is when it starts slowing.”

    well 47 was when it slows for me

    37 is when it feels like grinding

  6. Lol. Every level feels like grinding, when I’m level 9 I feel it’s too slow because it takes longer than 5 minutes to level, when I’m level 31 I feel too slow because it takes longer than 2 hours, now if I level in 6 hours of training I consider it lucky. (Of course I never train for 6 hours straight anyway.)

    It’s all relative, and it’s all too slow.

  7. lol

    thats why i stopped with my warrior D=

    it got hard!

    i am super surprised no one made any really sexual comments besides pointing out ur 69th blog lawlz


  8. Dest1 said: “Waffle 69ed himself”

    I wanna make a new blog but i like having 69

    so i’ll let it go for a bit

  9. dee32693 said: “LAWL1! XD

    what is it with guys and 69? .__.

    i thought that was a girl thing o.O;


    No, but it’s performed at maximum potential when girls do it =)

    simply because it’s the best kind

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