
this isnt really a blog i just need to ask a question and the forum aint fast enuff for me

ill delete this when i get my answer

do i need to add bosster at such a low level or can i do it last

im gonna add booster in the long run but will i need it for jr yetis (my 50-60 training) or can i just do it later on?

ima fighter for those of you that dont know

6 thoughts on “booster”

  1. Hmm. My Fighter, Rodin, you knew him, added 6 points to Booster as soon as he was finished with Mastery. If you keep a Lionheart (the best two-handed sword in the game) with Booster, you are officially God.
    I highly recommend keeping a Lionheart and not using a Zard, but that’s just me. If you don’t love being able to do 100 attacks a minute, feel free to wait for Booster.

  2. well its not that i dont like booster but the thing is ima high dex warrior

    and since alot goes into dex instead or str i max rage first to keep my damage on par

    even though i love FA to death

    so i was wondering if i should max FA or do some booster and continue FA

    i was gonna keep my lionheart but i got a zard and i scrolled it with 100% for 70 attk

    so now i really cant go back because im sorta broke

    and i figure the sooner i max Fa the sooner ill make the money back

    cuz booster doesnt look mandatory but im getting it anyway just a little later on

  3. Well, you can easily train without Booster, but I have to say that it’s an immense help. The effects show up more when you’re Boosting a Fast weapon, but it really comes down to an overused question, quantity or quality?!
    Final Attack is an extremely good thing. It’s good that you love it to death, because it deserves it 😛
    I think you should put in 6 Booster before continuing Final Attack. A minute is a good time, but you can get back to your other skills without waiting too long,

  4. Mastery first 19
    then 6 booster 6
    go max FA now 30
    and after that 3 in rage 3
    and start maxing Power Guard 30
    then pick whichever you like max Booster or Rage 😛

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