I’ve got an idea for a poem and i need to write it down before it’s gone
cause this is off the top of my head -_-
and i have horrible memory
Keep it Simple
Straightforward and conspicous
This poem aims to be
With a rhyme here and over there
Pure simplicity
No subliminal messages
I mean what i say
no secret, hidden meanings
With words used everyday
No confusion in these lines
What you read is what it means
because now poems are complex
in my opinion it seems
what happened to the simple times
When a poem made you happy
Now they’re all obsessed with dying
or boring, dull, and sappy
A poem does not need big words
to get it’s point across
use your true vocabulary
give that thesaurus a toss
no need to mask true meanings
if you mean “big” then use “big”
don’t try to make your poem seem
like it’s “smarter” than it is
metaphors and similies
they are nice to use
but forget them for a poem or two
you’ve got nothing to lose
So try to keep it simple
Do you expect some fancy ending?
I mean what i say. . .
it’s not aimed at anyone
and i’m not trying to say anything
i do like poems that make you think (not as much but i do enjoy em)
i was just expressing myself =)
Now in maple
i havent been on MS in a few days
but i plan on pqing alot to gain money for the long road ahead
i wanna level to 51 with at least 6mil
to cover pots and everything
i have 15k at the moment
well i trained a little so i have 70k
enough to buy pots i guess
i’m not looking forward to not having the pq there to rely on for money
But what, then, is the logic behind this mortal coil?
In this writ, the Ninja shall provide a foil
Poetry and art are expressions of a man,
Take them as they will, they’ll write them as they can.
Life is not simple; there’s stuff between the lines,
When someone expresses it, his character defines.
So let them write now, as they will, even if it be awful.
Sit back and enjoy yourself. . .c’mon. Have a waffle.
like i was saying at the end
i dont think there is anything wrong with complex poems
these are just my expressions
i like simple poems
and a said it
in poem form
if parts seemed as if i was being forceful
forget em
i like rhyming is all
simple poems or not, both are good. As long as(w/e it’s called) the poem makes sense. Of course when a poem contains the expression of a writer, then it’s very good.
Lol Waffle, no worries.
Just wanted to have a witty reply.
The Ninja gets ya. *coughbrokenimagescough*
*Cough-non waffle poem? THE APOCALYPSE IS AMONG US!-cough*
Just wanted to have a witty reply.
The Ninja gets ya. *coughbrokenimagescough*”
actually no
it was someone else
yesterday they made a good poem
and it was straightforward
it was a frontpager
but then they tried too hard to make their next poem complex
it wasn’t so good
and i rembered it because the homepage of MMOtales is covered in poems at the moment
Would this be me?
not you -_-
Just to replie,
(I don’t know why,)
Here’s a rhyme,
That I find sublime!
Do I just let go,
turn my head say “no”?
should I go with the flow,
try to take control?
Through darkness or light,
you’ll see me through,
instill in me,
what i feel in you!
These lyrics i scream,
falling down on me!
these visions and dreams,
what’s this i see?
(I don’t quite remember the rest. . . Deeply sorry.)
That was one of my most loved.
And, Waffle, yes, I agree with your poem.
Keep it simple, nothing flashey,
Too big of words,
Could make us un-inteligent people think it’s crapy.
I’m not blameing this,
on any specific blogger,
Some inteligent poems I love,
others, need to be ran over, like frogger.
( -_- Yes that was cheesy. . .)
– Little preacher man.
Course, you are welcome to express your opinion. No one can stop yo.u *pulls out plastic fork*
And I totally agree with what you are saying, the last few poems I’ve seen are so, so, emo-ish.
And I totally agree with what you are saying, the last few poems I’ve seen are so, so, emo-ish.”
Yeah, yeah!
– Little preacher man.
Art is expression, not yours to restrict,
For shame, good friend Liefgreen, don’t try to indict!
Even bad poems are art, rapped or punned;
Blame not the work, but the artist (should be) shunned.
#1. I sorta don’t get what you were saying. Sorry. . . (I don’t know what indict means.)
#2. You spelt my name wrong. -_-
– Little preacher man. ^_^
For shame, good friend Liefgreen, don’t try to indict!
Even bad poems are art, rapped or punned;
Blame not the work, but the artist (should be) shunned.
i see the hidden meaning in your poem
and you thought i wouldnt notice XP
Waffle, if you’re in scania, I could give you the SWORD OF A THOUSAND TRUTHS ON A ONE GIG USB! O:
Then again, I can steal my sis’ +11 str maple scorpio and give it to you, *stares at scorpio in its shiny awesomeness* ooooohh, aaahhhh
Nice poem by the way ;D