Spearman Pride VI

Note: I don`t know if thats how you write 6 in roman but i dont care XD

Were back where we left of

Koa and Jake went across the maze they go confused but luckly Koa froze all of the water and zapped them and saw the exit with the missing part. They ran but then a eigh legged frog jumped up instead of a frog head it hand a long neck with man eating teeth! They had to think.. The serpent held onto Koa with its long slimy hand.. Koa said Help Jake!

Jake: Ill help you!

But when he was running to stab the serpent he slipped and slipped on a banana peel = What will he do? Will he live and not faint?Most importantly will he still watch cartoons?

To Be Continued…………

The serpent got Jake and suffocated him by squeezing him, Then out of nowhere a barrage of arrows shot out.

???: Run



???: You idiot run im trying to save you!

Jake: Oh ok

Koa: Lets go

The serpent lunged to the archer but the archer quickly dodged it, then it shot a arrow bomb. It pierced the skin of the serpent, and it started to bleed. The archer then shot it with a power shot, It hit the head and pretty soon killed the serpent. The archer ran to the exit and he saw Jake and Koa with the missing submarine part.

Jake: Thanks for saving my life

Koa: Yeah same

???: Whatever

Jake: Who are you?

???: Take a guess

Jake: Uhh…. A hobo on the streets?

???: *Sigh*

He takes of his mask and it was his old friend

???: Now you remember me??

Jake: Oh hey Cloud why you at Puff island?

Cloud: Because im here to get my new made bow

Cloud shows Jake a Blueish bow, Cloud saids Why are you guys here?

Jake: Me and Koa are going to Rodelaw island

Cloud: Cool mind if i tag along?

Jake: Sure your welcome lets go

Jake and his friends go to the underwater hideout

Jake: Hey were ready to leave

Professer: Okay get on the submarine

So Jake and his buddies get on to the next adventure waiting ahead of them.

When they arrived it took 2 days to get there, When they got there they got to a inn and decided to stay there for a while. The next morning Jake woke up and saw something staring at him a person someone……Staring at him….

To Be Continued

Yeah yeah i know it was short suggestions if you want to

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