Ignore the title…I’m just freaking out because I found my really old Pikachu pedometer/gigapet thing from about 7 years ago. And I’ve been wearing it around the house all day, to save up points and gamble to my hearts content
That picture is now inaccurate. I just made another character named EllaLune a few minutes ago.
Why can’t I stooop~ T__T
I have more characters than the number of times Michael Jackson has had plastic surgery.
Heeelp Meee.
I leveled Vicelin to 60 last night. All of my friends tell me that if I had focused on training her instead of constantly making new characters, I’d be ready for 4th job right now. Or maybe even past that.
So I came up with that picture while messing around with Banned Story for the first time, just to make fun of my riddiculously ADD self.
And to further humiliate myself, I will share with you my first Gunbound experience.
Basicall…I failed!
My friend convinced me to give it a try. I watched her play it for a few minutes and then downloaded it onto my laptop…
It started out fine, until I couldn’t figure out how to attack o_o;
So I ended up not attacking the other team at all, I was so confused, my brain overloaded and I gave up.
So no more Gunbound for me ._.;
Wow I suck.
Good thing spring semester starts next week. I can get my mind off gaming and concentrate on making myself smrt agen.
Okay, here’s my list of characters that if they don’t return, I’m cool. As long as everyone else is in Brawl then I’ll be content.
– Pichu
– Dr. Mario
– Young Link
– Roy
– Marth
I’m worried about either Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Falco, or Ness not returning. It frightens me, Vicelin. I can’t wait until it comes out in Japan! Then I can get a full character roster, and I won’t have to worry anymore. :D
Huh? -brain explodes and tiny muffins come flying out-
I’ve got more than that number of characters. *stares*
Can I join the club?
I fail at Gunbound too. The last time I tried on my bro’s account, I tried to attack by dragging the bar thing, and ended up shooting the thing WAAAAAAAAAAY up into the sky, only for it to come straight back down and hit myself. >>;
Needless to say, I lost the game for the team.
– Pichu
– Dr. Mario
– Young Link
– Roy
– Marth
I’m worried about either Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Falco, or Ness not returning. It frightens me, Vicelin. I can’t wait until it comes out in Japan! Then I can get a full character roster, and I won’t have to worry anymore. :D”
Lol irrelevant much?
Let’s see… my chars by level…
58, 45, 35, 31, 26, 22, 19, 15, 12, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.
All but one of the level 7’s are deleted… I was trying for a specific hair from that Claudia’s quest, see
And… 22, 12, and 9 are messed up, and I’m deleting 19 soon.
Yush. Silver has been accepted into the I-Have-More-Characters-Than-The-Number-Of-Times-Michael-Jackson-Has-Had-Plastic-Surgery Club
Well at least you actually fired something . . . I couldn’t even accomplish that little task
Aure~ I did that on three characters before giving up x_x; it just took too much time.
Also, here’s a list of new characters that I would like to show up:
– Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia
– Isaac or Felix from Golden Sun
– Viewtiful Joe (he reminds me kinda of Captain Falcon)
– Geno from Super Mario RPG
– Megaman
– Rayman (if he’s an AT that’s okay)
– Lucario
– Knuckles, Tails, and/or Shadow
– Banjo and Kazooie
– Krystal and/or Star Wolf (mainly Star Wolf; he was smexy in Star Fox: Assault)
– Mii or the Animal Crossing character
I’ll update the list if I can think of any more peoples, and yes, I’ve run out of relevant things to comment on blogs (it’s just that you guys were talking about multiple characters and whattnot ).
Uh. Sorry, Mr Air. O_o
Anyway. I really wonder how many I have, exactly. Here goes
SilverFx, Gemina, Azriel, Gastropoda, Nenya, ErsatzDreams, iPrata, Nubmuffin, Silsil, Dustbunnies, Verchiel, Zyenalin, icyjunk, junkhead, l0anshark, muwhaha, janltorman, toiletmen (don’t ask >>; I was just fascinated with the hilarity of them wielding mops and plungers), Champignon, ZephyrChild
Yeah, I think that’s about it. =X
Oh, I have an idea now. I can post the names of all the MS characters I’ve had! Uh, I started out with Inferno752 in Scania, and made RitzMage n’ NightMuffin as well.
I think I made a girl character in Bera. Er, that’s right: KittenArcher. I was the epitomy of cute. :3
Then I made Windia my residential habit of residing. I think EmeraldKatz was the first there, and then I went on to make characters such as: GenoKatz, SolarKatz, KasnoKatz, and LunarKatz. I also made StorageKatz (just stickin’ with the Katz tradition).
Somewhere in the mix of my Windian days, I moved to Broa to join one of my friends. There I made KosmoKatz and HotelKatz. I was also thinking about making an I/L Wizard named BlizzardKatz, but I haven’t gotten to that yet. =/
I also made GraniteKatz in Khaini, but I never stuck with him. Same for CallMeCheeze in Mardia.
There were also a few other characters here and there to visit people. They usually had squinty eyes, a buzzcut, and no-sho clothes just to chat with people. A few of them are HeyItsCheezy (Scania), LordCheezy (Bera), Spiffyloo (Khaini), and uh, that’s about it. Gotta make one for Kradia. >D
Yep, that’s all for MapleStory. I originally started making xxxxKatz characters in Runescape. For that I have CrystalKatz, KasinoKatz, and DiamondKatz. My first character however was CatdogSun. :D
Well at least you actually fired something . . . I couldn’t even accomplish that little task
Aure~ I did that on three characters before giving up x_x; it just took too much time.”
It’s quicker if you have an all-STR mule on another char to leech off of
Cheeze~ that be too many katz *-*
Silver~ Those last couple names are hillarious
Aure~ How come I can never think of things like that D:<
lol, marth isnt coming out, (he’s my main chracter tho WAH)
o and, it’s not addiction it’s TOOO much free time f3 (in maple)
Foly huck that be a lot of characters.
Gunbound comes naturally for me; it’s like throwing a grenade in Halo.
GunBound is purty easy. But I quit when they made the prices go up. They just want to take your money. >.> Stupid ijji. ijji = Nexon’s brother.
Throwing a ‘nade in Halo 3 is hard. ‘Specially if you’re trying to stick someone.
So? I still wear that Pikachu Tamagochi thing. But the screen died about half a year back when it got wet.
Last stats I remember were: 2840~days about. Which makes that 7+ years. And I’ve walked so many steps that the counter reset back to zeros.
I still wear it. It works but the screen doesn’t show jack.
~Lily x33.
Hehe, my counter is stuck on 99999
and Pikachu ‘hates me’ because I spend all my points playing slots instead of giving him presents 
Who was that directed to? o.O
I loved that old thing.
I was pro at it.
But then, it died and I had to throw it away. I was so sad.