(Guys…read the whole blog before you respond, so that everyone isn’t like “OMG WHY U LEAVIN WHY QUIT MS OMG!?”, and the confusion does not spread like mad cow disease. Letus uze r sm4rte brayns 2 figur dis out.)
Meh. I dunno, lets have an election! If anyone out there could possibly be as cold hearted as me. *rolls eyes*
So…It feels like it will be forever, at least.
I am leaving on vacation to Munchkinland–I mean North Carolina, with the plotbunnies–I mean, my family…
What will I do there, you ask? Well, my first goal was to plot successful corporate takeover of Constellation Energy. Maybe WalMart while I’m at it. But while I am not doing said domination, I will be playing in sand.
So I shall not return until the twenty-third. W00t.
Anyway, Persistence shall continue! The story, that is. I managed to get my assassin to 50%, so she will be level fifty a few days after I get back. Then I shall do my first Zakum PQ, which will finally help me write the seventh chapter. Oh, and will result in my character dying, most likely.
Love in Triangles will probably remain a one-shot, unless the plotbunnies say otherwise. I bend to their will and their will alone, people. Such a cruel world ._.;
I just said my goodbyes to all my buddies online. They sobbed like pathetic emo kids.
And to all of my perma-noob friends: Sucks I was kicked from the guild XD but it’s not my fault I just haven’t had the time to get to level twenty…I don’t want to be in a guild that judges by level anyway. That’s just too…dumb. Anyway, if any of you wonder where I have gone, just read this, since none of you were online when I signed on to say farewell.
See ya, guys. I leave in T-14 hours.
Oh yea, and I left you with a really stupid stick figure comic I drew in 7th grade. My friend had to make a pamphlet on how to say no to shmex, and I suggested “Just say ‘I can’t, the cookies are in the oven’!” And then this happened XD…
ANYWAY. Byebye ^^;
U quit ms? I didnt read the blog
lol the comic was funny
Where does it say that I am quitting!?
Hmm, i can be cold hearted. . . better than Simon Cowell himself 😀
and we’ll miss you vice ;_;
remain on Deviantart atleast >.>
EDIT: O.o why did you say bye bye forever O.o?
proof of my cold hearted-ness:
Thats right vice, your blog didnt seem to capture the attention it needed. It doesn’t tug on my sorrow and emotions. It wont do, it certainly won’t, just delete it.
lol jk i dont mean that,
and I WANTED TO TAKE OVER WALMART! ;_;! Ohwell, Square Enix is number 1 on my list still
Cause he aint returning backt til the 23rd and he thinks from now til the 23rd is forever
um. . yomomma, Vicelin is a girl
HAHA Guruji, I totally forgot about Square Enix. Want to form an alliance?
ToMomma: She*
ToMomma: She*”
Depends on how much of the cut i get. EIther that or after we take over, i get to control the division that makes Kingdom hearts. . .i dont care about the rest. Not to mention i will start a new Chrono Trigger project 😀
After that, we take over trump! xD. We just both have to make it into the apprentice and make sure we both get to the finals >.<;
Sounds good to me! Just promise me that I get the FFVII Division. I have to turn Lucrecia into a dumb blonde so that Vincent and Yuffie hook up, and then I want to make an FFVII dating game. MUAHAHA. Murder.
No, lets make a FF dating game that has everyone 😀
. . .tifa. . .
oh, and do you know what happened betwen lucrecia and vince O.o? Its horrible, if i was vince i would murder Hojo and lucrecia both, no matter what
Holyangel- Thanks 😛
Guruji: I know, it was so terrible and sad -_- After I had finished the game, I thought a lot about how I would change it to make it better. Lucrecia would be hella stupid (not that she already wasn’t), and Vincent WOULD murder both her and Hojo. He would also murder Aerith in the beginning of the game, because she is annoying as all hell. That or Barret and Red would sit on her and squish her.
And yea, the dating game would have everyone! Maybe even mix all of the games together, all the characters ever made. Muaha.
Guruji: I know, it was so terrible and sad -_- After I had finished the game, I thought a lot about how I would change it to make it better. Lucrecia would be hella stupid (not that she already wasn’t), and Vincent WOULD murder both her and Hojo. He would also murder Aerith in the beginning of the game, because she is annoying as all hell. That or Barret and Red would sit on her and squish her.
And yea, the dating game would have everyone! Maybe even mix all of the games together, all the characters ever made. Muaha.”
aeris should have died in the begining!
I still remember, when sephiroth killed her, i was laughing.
If he killed tifa i would have shed a tear ;_;
Ah, and i would make a KH based on Xehanort which is based on a doujinshi manga im working on right this moment (check it out on DA)
And i would make a whole buncha MMOs
Haha. It shall be good working with you.
T-13 hours >.>
Good luck dominating the corporate thing-a-ma-bobber