15 thoughts on “Rate My Guild Banner?”

  1. The concept is way cool -thumbs up-
    However, if you want me to critique it~

    The background is pretty awkward. I understand if you don’t have great editing programs, but if you have anything beyond paint, then try messing with some of the filters :3 Also, try to get creative with layering if your program has that option- try grid overlays, scan lines, burn marks, anything! Experiment.
    I also wouldn’t use that font. I just wouldn’t.
    The color also doesn’t match. I understand that that’s the best color to appear up, but that’s why we have to work on the background :]

    The transitioning was way cool though XD

    Also, as a small note, put a border on your next one :3

    Anyways, good luck! I hope you keep trying!

  2. IndigoLove said: “The concept is way cool -thumbs up-
    However, if you want me to critique it~

    The background is pretty awkward. I understand if you don’t have great editing programs, but if you have anything beyond paint, then try messing with some of the filters :3 Also, try to get creative with layering if your program has that option- try grid overlays, scan lines, burn marks, anything! Experiment.
    I also wouldn’t use that font. I just wouldn’t.
    The color also doesn’t match. I understand that that’s the best color to appear up, but that’s why we have to work on the background :]

    The transitioning was way cool though XD

    Also, as a small note, put a border on your next one :3

    Anyways, good luck! I hope you keep trying!”

    Thanks Indigo, I appreciate your suggestions for improvement and I willl apply them for my next work. (Actually this is my first =P)

  3. nice! this looks awesome, fading thing was cool, the header was a bit annoying to read so maybe like put a black line border around it or something to help it stand out, the fading thign was wicked, a border would be nice and the background was a bit dark. maybe a few more ppl would make it a bit better lol
    overall i give it a WOOT and on a scale of 1 to egg i give it a waffle!

    P.S there is an I in win =P

  4. devilrymage said: “Lol the magician with the lama is me, but the picture did not process too well, “

    Ya, hope it will be better with thorns

  5. There might not be an “I” in teamwork but there is me,no us,and we.xD

    I like it,but it’s annoying how it keeps repeating.>.<

  6. I like it, especially the fading part. But somehow the background doesn’t go with the font you used, if you have an editing program try messing around with the font like shadows, contour, texture etc.

    But still a good banner i give it a 8/10 for the looks 10/10 for the idea

  7. I will heed all your advice around 12 hours from now (1am Singapore time), where I will be messing with ps.

    Anyway, this is my guild COCRegiment in Aquilla, we are recruiting members lv30 onwards.

    But yet again, THANK YOU! Its you people who make community fun, different individuals do better when each one gives one and other his idea to make the product a MUCH better one!

    =D Actually I’m quite cold when not in prescence of community so I eat my daily dose per day to make sure I dont turn into a scrooge =D

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