Wow… I always believed our top player, mryandao was a legit. Turns out that he partied with 2 dragon knight hackers. The vaccing is very obvious and when the dk hbs and he receives it thus in the same party. I consider partying/leeching off a hacker, also illegal.
15 thoughts on “Lv 195 Hacking?!”
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This is definitely a long time ago. MapleSea does not have a lot of hackers, they only HAD a lot of hackers.
I mean; if even MSPro and FallenAngel does not work in MapleSea anymore, hacking is so rare that 90% of the bans are for misconduct and other trival stuff.
mspro is 3rd party program, not hacking.
Yes but 3rd party programs are harder to block than hacks because they do not trigger the gameguard; thus MapleSea is already doing a fantastic job.
Yeah. But in MapleGlobal, I heard, now they detect it and ban you. Like wth? o.O
The point is; MrYaNdAo does not do 3rd party hacking anymore.
You so sure? I for one don’t bother stalking him
Mr Yan Dao must sure be a Mr Bo Yan Dao in real life.
Look at how much time he spends on MS?!
Looks like someone is caught
“He” is actually rumored to be 3-8 people
Its 8 .
He’s not actually hacking is he?
Its just that he parties with people who hack .
Thats bad too >.>
He could create another account just to party and hack, then claim innocent. I’m not trying to frame or spite him, I just find this a topic of interest.
If you actually watch it, he is clearly God Modeing, because that snail thingie uses that mist and he is unnafected while the DK is, , so the DK is vaccing and not godmoding, whatever, its not like i havnt seen a hacker before.
There is a skill for hermits, that make a mist like that and you don’t take damage from physical and magical attacks in the hermit was in the mist, but that’s 4th job. MrYandao is hacking using god mode if not vac hack. It has to be unless the monsters miss everytime. I didnt not see a single miss on top of mryandao. I agree with wsxedcr08. He is hacking.
This is getting confusing:
I just logged in to SEA and MrYaNdAo requested that the GMS put CCTV in his map because he was surrounded by hackers . And then a bunch of people got banned . [not including him]
people are forever talking about: omg hahaha tiger is your highest level at 170? mryandao is 195
no fricken wonder
2x exp cards, 8 people, and he hacks
tiger only account shares, he’s only 5 people, and we dont have 2x exp cards
tiger> than Mryandao
(it’s a joke guys chill-out)