Just like IndigoLove said, we should make sincere blogs.
I don’t expect anyone to read or like this as there is nothing to like.
I’d just like to use this hosting space to thank my maple friends.
First of all, gratz DEVILRYFIRE Lv 70! Woot! A new fire mage is born. Next one due soon: macaw.
Thanks Annikabelle for being so nice to others. You helped devilryfire train really fast by partying him in your zombie map and HS-ed him. A cookie for you. xD
Thanks to my guild for providing me with moral support during times when I was troubled.
Thanks to my blist (notably LoveTiramisu, MrDoubleKill, Annikabelle and Devilryfire) for making my maple life so enjoyable. I feel like taking a hiatus as I wait for my psle score.
In Singapore, PSLE is the major exam you take at 12 to decide which secondary school to go to based on your aggregate school.
Thanks to my real life friends (notably Isaac, Bennett, Zhi Xin, Wei Xiang) for accompanying me since Primary 4 to now Primary 6. Today was graduation day. Since many of them are going to Raffles Institution instead of my preferred Hwa Chong Institution, I would like to thank you all for being in my life.
Also, a general thanks to everyone who has helped me one way or another.
Verbose =P
That was cute :3
I could feel the mushy emotions x3 And it was a good thing. Hee hee~
I give my hopes for your test!
(In other words, a belated “good luck” XD)
i have lol
A dedication of thanks, sweet. lol
Have fun through life
so peace out and have fun
*Grabs the cookie* Wow Verbose, you and devilrymage are like, the only people out of a million of others who actually thanked me for hs-ing you . *Raves on about why people are so ungrateful to priests* Anyway, the map was given to us by our guild member ninjast4r *hands a cookie to him*
Lol. I didn’t get hs-ed but I thought what you did was very nice and helpful
Oh yeah . *hs-es you* :DDD
Haha. PSLE. Now i feel old. Im taking my As as of now.
Ditto, Imppala. I feel ancient around here. (can’twaitforAstobeover!)
Good luck for your PSLE results, Verbose
Thanks. Are you in sg too?
If so, how old are you two?
Oops Imppala is 18, Pai seh, never read properly.
Now that’s a nice blog
thanking other people. That’s cool man. I hope you have a good score on your test.
Secondary school ehh.? Hmz I forget what that was. . . but I do remember that it was mentioned during English class back in hs. Hmz . . . But you say school after primary school. . . that’s really different from the schoolsystem in the Netherlands. Here the “secondary school” is called (when i translate it literally it’s middle school but that is really different) “High School” in England and US i think. I’m going to university now (18years old).
Damit getting off topic now>_< sorry ^^”.
Good luck for the results and have a fun life after it^_^.
Yup, Imppala’s 18, and so am I. And cool! So is yh2thalo!
Ooh, and I just realised Verbose is going to HCI. xD I went to the girls’ school right opposite HCI
But now I’m in RJC. 
Lol. Know anyone called grace?
I know lots of people named Grace. >.> Which one?
One that maples