A Story Of Love .::CHAPTER 13::.

“So this must be it, the MESO Xpress.” Vampirewill said.

“You bet it is!” heartcandiie blurted out.

“What?!!” Vampirewill gazed at the lady in surprise,”Who are you? Why are you following

Heartcandiie introduced herself. She wanted to tag along to help vampirewill and had
packed everything she needed. “This is a drag…I don’t need girls to help me! Go home
before you get hurt.” Vampirewill stormed at her grumpily.

When they got out of the ship, Vampirewill was almost about to throw up
because of seasick. ( Actually it’s heartcandiie’s folktales that are killing him! )

Ludibrium is actually quite a simple city. Just imagine a patch of land with blocks of
LEGO *tm* houses and LEGO *tm* people. Vampirewill peered through a dark alley which states on the map to be a shortcut to GANDALF95’s toy factory.

When they stepped in, two panda teddies attacked the duo. Heartcandiie rolled left and
shot out two arrow bombs. BULLSEYE! A panda exploded.

” Eat this! ” Vampirewill sprinted forth, air altitude to his advantage. He flashed behind
the panda and jabbed it with his avengers. It burst with oil splattering onto the ceiling.
But that wasn’t the last of it. As Vampirewill stood back up, he got slammed onto the wall
by another panda. Seconds later, heartcandiie was crashing beside him. Now, a dozen pandas
were approaching them.

” Crap this place. ” Vampirewill cursed.

The pandas lunged. Heartcanddie shutted her eyes. After 5 seconds she opened her eyes
again and saw the pandas lifeless on the floor.

“What on Earth?” heartcandiie exclaimed.

” Sorry, these were the new prototypes. I guessed tthey malfunctioned,” a man
stepped in,” I’m GANDALF95, owner of these pandas and the whole factory. I’m sorry for the

He blushed,” By the way, what brings you here?”

Vampirewill and heartcandiie settled down in his office while he went to get beverages.
He explained their problem and asked if they could know where the secret path of time was.

“Very well. I will bring you there. But today you must rest. I don’t want grumpy faces
tomorrow.” GANDALF95 chukled.

Vampirewill smirked,” You got it.”

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