Twilight of Shadows~Prologue/1

Hey! Unlimited here. That sounds like an awkard name. O_O
I’ll come up with a good nickname later. Well anyway this will be my first series. Sorry I haven’t been on for a while. I was writing and re-writing numerous plots and beginnings. This is the one I thought was best. So here goes:


Three millenniums from our current time the realm we know as Maple Story has changed. Our weapons have been compacted into crystal which could release our weapons with our will. These crystals are known as “Cells”. Each Cell is created from four different crystals: Power, DEX, Wisdom, and LUK. Through the creation of Cells chaos came forth. The Four Great, the masters of each job, used Cells to enhance their power. They used them to create a gigantic war. This war was bloodier than any before it with the help of Cells. Near the end of the war, the Four Great had a final battle. They released all their strongest attacks. These attacks collided and created a small speck of darkness. The darkness quickly grew and ate them up. It continued to grow until Victoria was gone. It is now chewing on Ossyria. A few thousand people all escaped to Ludibrium while millions more disappeared into the darkness. A few of these people found a gateway to our word deep inside the clock tower of Ludibrium. Everyone escaped to our world…except the people the majority of the group deemed “evil”. These people were left behind. Our people gradually started to accept our guests from another world. They were called “Maplers” after the barrier they created. The Maplers created a barrier as to keep the “evil” people from coming to our world. This barrier was in the form of a game, “Maple Story”. It was an exact replica of their world. If any of the “evil” people tried to come into our world they would be trapped inside the game. It even trapped Monsters. Many of the “evil” people tried to break through the barrier. This is where we will start out tale…

Chapter One(1): Escape

The only person who had ever cared for me was an old man. He had picked me off the streets and raised me. I couldn’t remember anything from before when he took me in. He had taught me the ways of the Crusader, but in the end I had only mastered Shout. I had never gotten to know his real name which I regret now.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to find the old man dead. I ran away from home that night. I had decided to ditch striving to be a true Crusader and became a Bandit. I practiced as a Bandit with my Red Katana and Shout which I had acquired from my Crusader training.

He was a kind old man and I didn’t know why he was one of the people that were deemed “evil”. When I asked him about it he said he had decided to stay here, but when I grew older I should escape to the other world. I mourned for him some nights, but that was all in the past. It had been three years from that incident. I had to focus on the problem at hand.

The Crusader jumped into the air and struck his Berzerker downwards. I blocked the attack with my Red Katana. I could feel the force of his attack push me into the ground. I saw him smirk.

He broke away from me and released a Shout. I summoned up the Mana into my lungs and released a Shout. The two attacks canceled out as a huge wave of Mana gushed out from the point where our Shouts had collided. The Crusader growled in frustration. He lunged forward with his Berzerker. I side-stepped it easily and tripped him. He fell forward as I slipped a couple Mesos into his clothes.

“Stupid kid!” he shouted as he got to his feet. I ignored him and started to walk away. I heard him scream in anger as his footsteps came nearer to me. I used Meso Explosion. His body blew apart as his Berzerker dug into the ground.

I let my fighting spirit disperse my Red Katana glowed red and released a flash of red. In my hand was a Cell. It was rectangular and flat and could fit in my palm. It had a rectangular dent in the center of it in which a maple leaf, with a diagonal slash through it, was carved into it. Each Cell had a different symbol carved into it depending on the weapon. It was red and clear after the Power Crystal it was made from.

I sighed. I placed the Cell in my pocket. I looked into the horizon. A wave of shadows was steadily eating towards me. Don’t worry old man. I’ll escape for sure. I jumped into the boat where there was only enough for one more person. That person was me. I stared at the remains of the Crusader. Sorry, but I need to get to Ludibrium. The ship set sailed for Ludibrium as the sun set and darkness overtook the skies.

After days of voyaging we reached Ludibrium. People were scrambling towards the clock tower where the gate to the other world lied. I used Haste as I ran past the people ahead of me. People tried to attack me as I rushed by them, but their attacks were too slow.

I could see the portal up ahead. People were walking into it. I jumped over their heads as I dove into it. I was blinded by a white light. When the light receded I found myself in a strange place. Light blue light flooded the place. The ground was transparent with cables running below. I saw numerous panels of green light that were the size of a door. Where am I?

Other people around me were confused, too. I noticed giant words up above my head that read “Maple Story”. So this is the fabled barrier. I decided to try a panel. It was solid. Guess I’ll just follow the instructions Gik left. Gik was one of the people who had been allowed to go to the other world, but he came back and told all the people here how to escape.

“Let’s see. I need to find a panel that reflects me.” I mumbled to myself.

Gik had said that the secret to the barrier was a game which was based on our world. It was flooded with people from the other world who clogged up the portal to their world. Them playing the game created loads of information which the people on the other side used to block the portal. To play the game the people from the other world made characters. If I found a character that matched me I would be able to escape through it.

I checked each panel one by one. Each one remained blank. Only if I found a character that matched me the panel would reflect me. I cursed the irritating barrier as my seventh hour of searching crawled by. I used Haste and rushed past the panels to search faster.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a face on a panel. I backed up a bit. I stared into the panel. There was a boy in it. He had straight blue hair which was cut jaggedly at the edges. His eyes were the color of ice. He had a diagonal scar on his right cheek. He was me.

This is it! I stretched out my arm and gently touched the panel. The tips of my finger easily melted into the panel causing ripples to disrupt my reflection. I took a deep breath. I went into the panel.

I found myself in a rather large room. In front of me was a boy a little younger than me on the floor. He looked bewildered. Behind me was the panel from before, but it quickly faded away. Behind it was a bunch of complex-looking machinery. A small screen glowed the same color as the panel before growing black.

“Wow….”, the boy whispered as he slowly got to his feet. I froze.

“What?” I asked staring into his face.

“Y-you c-came out of m-my c-computer.” The boy answered nervously.

“Oh. Ignore that. Anyway thanks to you I finally escaped that hell.” I sighed.

“Are you a Mapler?” the boy asked curiously.

“What’s that?” I asked back. We started to talk to each other as if we had known each other for years. The boy asked about me and my world while I asked about his and him. This world had little traces of Mana, the energy which our whole world was built of, but it made up for its lack of Mana with its technology. The Maplers had established a base located in the place where the first Maplers had came through: Seoul, South Korea. The boy knew little is known of what they do. What things that interested me was the information on the Monsters. Although the barrier had not let any Monsters come through to this word apparently some how there were some of them in this world. Mid-way our discussion my stomach growled.

“I’ll get you something to eat.” The boy said eagerly as he dashed out the room.

“Thanks.” I called after him.

I eyed a soft looking bed. I laid down on it. I felt relaxed. I looked around the room. There were a few large bookcases crammed with books. A lot of machinery was scattered around the room. Strange place.

The boy came back minutes later with a tray full of food. I quickly dug in as the boy silently watched. There were some foods that I had never seen before, but ate them up anyway. The boy had to get a few more trays of food until I was satisfied.

“That was good.” I burped a little as I laid back.

“Glad you liked it. By that way what’s your name?” the boy asked.

“I don’t have one.” I sighed. The boy stared at me with big eyes.

“That’s impossible. You need a name.” the boy argued.

“If you say so. Got any suggestions?” I replied. He thought up a list of names. I turned down each of them one by one.

“How about Zane?” the boy asked.

“Hmm. Sounds okay. I’ll take it.” I answered. The boy beamed with joy. I was about to ask him his name when a girl’s scream pierced the atmosphere.

“That was my sister! Lily!” the boy shouted and he ran out of the room.

“Wait!” I called after him as I followed. Stupid! What can you do? We ran down the hallway until we reached a white door. He opened it. Two guys were in the room trying to capture a struggling girl.

“Help!” she cried out.

“Lily!” the boy shouted as he ran forward. I grabbed his collar as the kidnappers pulled out something that fitted the description of “guns” that the boy had told me about. The wall opposite of Lily’s room started to gain holes as I pulled the boy out of the firing range.

“You wait here. I’ll get her.” I whispered.

“Let me go, too!” he screamed. I have to hurry!

“Fine. But stay close and hold on.” I ordered. I lifted him onto my back as I used Dark Sight. We became slightly transparent. I ran into the room where the kidnappers started to shoot. All the bullets passed through us.

“It’s a Mapler!” one of them shouted.

“They won’t work on me!” I shouted as I ran forward. The kidnappers continued to fire.

The time limit on my Dark Sight ran out. With a puff of smoke both the boy and I became vulnerable. I used Meso Guard in front of the boy and me. The bullets ricocheted off the shield, but created small cracks after each impact.

“You guys are starting to piss me off!” I shouted as I the Meso Guard broke into tiny shards which quickly evaporated. I pulled out my Cell and released it. I blocked the bullets with the Red Katana. Soon the kidnappers’ guns clicked, but no bullets fired. They’re out!

I dashed forward to the nearest kidnapper and used Savage Blow. The first three slashes cut his gun into pieces so it was unusable. The fourth and fifth slashed both hands so they were immovable and the final slash was on his chest. Blood sprayed out as he dropped to the floor.

“Have fun in the afterlife!” I shouted as I went in for the kill.

“Kill him and the boy dies.” The other kidnapper spat behind me. My blade stopped an inch in front of the kidnapper’s neck. I turned to see Lily tied up on the floor and her brother in the arms of the other kidnapper. A gun was pointed to his head.

“You can’t kill him.” I retorted. Tch. Man this guy is stupid.

“Drop your weapon.” He commanded.

“How about you give up?” I replied as I started to walk towards him. He pressed the gun closer to the boy’s head.

“Drop it or he dies!” he shouted.

“Moron you’re out of bullets. You used them up when you were sh-.” I stopped mid-sentence as I stepped on a piece of metal. I looked downwards at it. It was an empty bullet cartridge. If the empty cartridge isn’t in the gun….Then the cartridge in the gun is…..

I looked up at the kidnapper to see him point his gun at me. Full. There was a loud bang as he pulled the trigger.


Well hope you guys liked this first chapter. Got comments, advice, questions? Post ’em here and I’ll try to get to them.
Well bye for now. I’ll return soon. ^^

~Pencil Ninja) <~~~~~~Hey I like that. ^^ Sounds cool. I guess that’ll be my nick. =D

*Note*: I will post a pic each chapter that will relate to the chapter. Just for fun. ^^

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