*Note* If you are one who doesn’t care about others’ opinions, and find it disturbing that others express their opinions, please hold [Alt] on your keyboard and then press [F4].
:I don’t care if somebody made a thread similar to this. I am not intentionally copying any of those threads.
:I never had many people liking my threads and probably never will. I didn’t create this thread for others to skip the useless, boring text and press the “I Liked This Thread” button at the bottom of this, then make comments not (even close to) related to the thread.
:Yes, my language may be boring. I use phrases and terms that may sound boring to some people.
:I hate the kind of comments that insult the author, such as “You’re so stupid.”
First: What is ksing? Ksing (kill stealing) is sometimes mistaken as “kissing”. It is not and was not kissing; it’s pretty much the opposite… At my beginner days, I used to think ksing only meant attacking monsters that were attacked by other people. But I soon realized that kill stealing was actually going to somebody else’s “spot” and killing the monsters there.
Second: Why people KS. Okay, so there may be about 500 reasons missing, but I’m just listing some.
(1) They’re very eager to level. This usually happens at 80-99.99% of exp. Sometimes, they wouldn’t even notice they’re kill stealing because of that strange yellow bar at the bottom right hand corner of their screen. It does happen, and sometimes I do this.
(2) They’re bored. They probably train 24/7 and are just plain bored, so they decide that they can get fun out of kill stealing others.
(3) They’re selfish. They don’t care about others, or consider kill stealing others a great deal of fun. Yeah, there are people out there who do this, maybe a lot of people.
(4) They think they “were here first”. I find this sorta disturbing since it sounds immature and doesn’t matter most of the time. Okay, they might have been there first, but they could’ve been on a rope or ladder while at the pizzaria.
Third: How to deal with kill stealers. I’ve heard of and seen a lot of cases where people just kill steal the kser back. This usually doesn’t help at all, and ends in defame, hatred, or anger.
It may be hard, but simply leave; go to another channel. Okay, you might be channel surfing after this, but it’s much better than being defamed or having to buy another keyboard because you slammed on your other one too hard.
KINDLY ask them to leave. Not the typical “cc plz” or “cc”, but something along the lines of “Can you please go somewhere else?”
Fourth: Cake is good.
I liked your fourth reason best =P Maple Story will probably fill with high level kids(Not saying immature or assaulting all the kids, no offence/offense to anyone? Neh? n___n) kill stealing just because they think they’re better and all the other stupid reasons. If they deliberatley kill steal you, you can report them for Harrassment because clearly following around kill stealing is like following someone around in Real Life and threatening them or something,
Finally, pie is better than cake. Well not really
You expressed yourself rather nicely, that goes woosh to my “vocabulary skills” @__@ Once I was a newb, I killstealed a guy accidently, he did F3(that kissy looking face) and said, “KSER!” I was like, “Dude I don’t kiss guys, o__o;;” Haha, that’s all, >___>
EDIT —————————————————————————
My comments are neber understandable. Pwhaha,
Finally, pie is better than cake. Well not really
You expressed yourself rather nicely, that goes woosh to my “vocabulary skills” @__@ Once I was a newb, I killstealed a guy accidently, he did F3(that kissy looking face) and said, “KSER!” I was like, “Dude I don’t kiss guys, o__o;;” Haha, that’s all, >___>
umm, that was a weird comment, and i barely understood it (but I don’t like pie that much!)
they are mostly little kids who think they’re tuff cuz dey finish all their hw early and get more time to lvl up. or dey just hackers who want to ks u so u cc and then they can start vac and godmoding xD
i disagree i think the reasons are:
1. they r 2 stupid
2. they r 2 dumb
3. they have an IQ of 3
4. the dont like pie or cake
1. they r 2 stupid
2. they r 2 dumb
3. they have an IQ of 3
4. the dont like pie or cake”
Yes, but those reasons (except 4) are already listed in a different way. Plus, I’m not going the replace “are” with “r” and “to” with 2, with sentences that would definitely fail a grammer and spelling test.
, what does alt and f4 do, -is dense-
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
i like pie =)
pie is good ^^
a little late to post this, but, alt and f4 closes the window that is selected,
pie is better than cake