Wow, that even today was crazy, I lagged so much! Once I lagged so much I could finally move again, when a monsters appears out of nowhere and hits me twice, before I have time to heal, I lagg again, and die.
I played 2 hours straight! Yes no bathroom, only water. And yes I am kinda an addict. * NOTE I SAID KINDA*
So after dying I kept trainning, and by the end I was at 85%. Started at 58% ended with 85%
*NOTE I died once so actually 90%*
That’s 32% in 2 hours!
Also during that horrible time of lagging, I found 3 things, a Red sonata ( average ), a Maroon Jangoon Armor ( below average), and a Green KnuckleVest ( above average ).
So overall I guess it was a good day. Although it’s not over because it’s only 4:30pm. Lol.
That’s all I hope you have a good day too!
That happens to me every few seconds. Except I don’t die.
Eww. At double exp, a its only 40% in MS.
I used to think that was godly.