Khainpriest! Yay!

Well today i decided to go kill mushmom againand of course i killed her. Nothing good. Partied with a sin after 1stkill. Then i discovered the sin was a hacker expeled her left the party. I quit my old guild Noodlez. It was a good guild and I had liked it. But recently our guild leader got hacks. And now he is a hacker. So I quit this guild and joined a new guild: XGods. I was the 4th lowest level in there. we has 3rd job advancers =D. It was altogather a better guild then noodlez. As I was heading back to Ludi for PQ I saw Khainpriest (the fromer highest in khani) I decided to fame her . But I already famed a level47 legit begginer . It must have been hard to get to 47 as a begginer without hacking.
Pic 1: Khainpriest

5 thoughts on “Khainpriest! Yay!”

  1. wow! she has the same hair style as my hunter XD
    *yes, that hair cut is overratedXD*

    – VanillaPocki –

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