
Hey people
This pic ain’t so impressive, since it is a draft sheet
but heck, it’s just a little idea of what’s going on
just some random sketching
i got asecond draft sheet dedicated to Ninja lol
i still can’t think of a good weapon for him
and his hand looks like a mitten lol ^^
anywayz have a look, tell me what to improve on
just i need a bit of idea helping
right now
cause im kinda blocked

P.S Ninja, do you want a Naruto head? I might be lazy and just do it cause its easiest lol, but need guidance first

P.P.S im kind of sketching for now, not starting on the actual tattoo kind a thing, that is for later
and i plan to do ninja standing up straight and with clench hand in fist kinda thing
praying for this to work well

7 thoughts on “Sketching”

  1. I really like your style; it shows so much personality rather than traditional styles that people have copied off of others.

    And I must say, I really like how the one labeled “eye?” looks like :]

  2. j0. Pro skillz.

    Keep it simple; the cliche black Ninja mask works well.

    If you’ve played Ninja Gaiden, look to Ryu Hayabusa for ideas.

  3. Nice stuff. Looking forward to moar =D. Btw ninja u play ninja gaiden? What lvl and have you finished it?

  4. I have this drawing similar to his. Only that the darkened symbol parts are on a dagger I drew.

  5. Hey nice sketches. You should design tattoos. This reminds me of when i used too design tattoos just for fun.

  6. Lol yh2, thats why my friends call me the “tattooist”
    and evilstranger, wat do u mean exactly? like u got a drwaing like this
    or u did a drawing like this
    cause your drawings arent what i expect to be like mine
    yours are hell awesome

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