Very happy right now!

Alright so I havent been playing maple all that much recently but i went to a friends house for a couple days and got him into it. So I’m training at jr cellions with my level 46 ice wiz (cuz ludi pq is full of immature brats), collecting solid horns which i can use to level up my sin, Tuffass, who is level 18. I am just slaughtering them getting the occasional drop here and there when i see a scroll pop out. I look at it and I just think to myself “OH MY GOD ITS A CLAW ATT 60%”. After that I told my friend how much it was worth and I promised to give him some money. So I continue training and after killing 50-100 more I see ANOTHER 60% scroll pop out, and i look in my use tab in items and I see a little “2” on the bottom of the claw att 60%. I was so happy cuz i never get good drops. Anyway if you took the long time to read that paragraph, thanks and have a good one! =D

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