Papa Pixie Ain’t Got Nuthin’ On 13lue!


Huh? What? I start now? Wait, what? Oh, okay, okay. Jeeze, you didn’t have to yell at me.

I was training and collecting Star Pieces for a quest when I jumped all the way down to the bottom of Cloud Park. I owned some more Star Pixies and moved a long. I was about to go through the portal when I caught something weird looking at the corner of my eye. I moved in the opposite direction of the portal and made my way toward the odd monster. When I finally had a full view of it, I realized that it was a Papa Pixie clone!! I was like: “DUUUUDE!” and it was all: “Rawr!”

So I just attacked it and it died easily…. cause it was a clone, DUH! See that sparkly stuff over his head?

I know my damage sucks. So please don’t point out that you’ve seen stronger, that irritates me.

Happy Mapling from 13lueMoon~

15 thoughts on “Papa Pixie Ain’t Got Nuthin’ On 13lue!”

  1. I just realized that I’m the only archer who looks like I do. I’ve never seen another archer with my hairstyle and eyes. Yay! I’m unique. <3

  2. o.o
    Nice, you managed to kill a clone!shift.
    coughyourdamagesuckscoughmydmgownzerurscoughcough. Nothing, I’m okay.

  3. Lol, I killed a Pap clone at death teddies and a Crimson barlog at Dead trees 2

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