New Smegas: Good Or Baaaaad?

I’m no sheep, but I think it’s baaaaaaad.

I finally fixed up my maple. >.< (Thank friggin’ God)

I get into the swing of things, like grinding and doing quests that I have neglected. *Coughcurseddollscough*
Then more training. I run around and travel to distant places to check out monsters and see things I’ve never seen.

But something isn’t right. I find that I’m more laggy then usual, what’s even more wierd is that I’m getting all laggy in places that it usually doesn’t get laggy. I find out that it’s the new smegas that have been making me lag and I also discover that I’m not the only one that has this problem…

What do you think?

I do think these smegas look cool and all, what with the flashing. But sometimes those farking things make me jump when they pop out of nowhere to relay a simple or most likely a stupid message. They make me lag like hell. If it’s this bad when I’m not trying to PQ, imagine when I am. In my own opinion, the old regular smegas were enough. The flashing and whatnot is sort of unnessesary and it makes people disconnect for dumb reasons. I don’t know, it’s just my take, but what do you think?

~Happy Mapling from 13lue

9 thoughts on “New Smegas: Good Or Baaaaad?”

  1. Hey there, Piglet. Looks like we’re serving up one of your barnyard friends today. It appears we’ve got, “Betty the Cow” for ya. Kinda akward to be eating one of your buddies, eh?

    That’s what I said to this porker-kid at lunch sometimes when I served it up.

  2. Never makes me lag. But as long as others do it’s bad =/

    But Nexon wouldn’t pass up a chance to earn 4 more cents every time someone chooses to use an avatar smega instead of a regular smega.

  3. Nexon is a group of greedy [insert large number of rude words, censored here due to extreme inappropriateness].


  4. They don’t lag me.

    They don’t block my buffs.

    However, they’re the same as pop-ups to me – flashy, unnecessary, annoying, and distracting at times.

    Therefore I don’t like them, and so they are bad. BAAAAD!

  5. Scyne said: “They don’t lag me.

    They don’t block my buffs.

    However, they’re the same as pop-ups to me – flashy, unnecessary, annoying, and distracting at times.

    Therefore I don’t like them, and so they are bad. BAAAAD!”

    Lucky you! No lag? Even the Maple TVs lag my computer. . . -swears-

  6. my computer changes everyday one day it lags like crazy, next day the compute doesn’t know what lag is, But those new Smegas are annoying (most of them are filled with useless stuff) the in gets on my nerves. But whatever I’ll just tune them out and focus on training

  7. :S
    I dread the day that abomination comes to SEA. I mean. SEA! Engrish! New-fangled Megas! Not gonna bode well. ><

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