Okay… for those of you who don’t know what the fark I’m talkin’ ’bout, I’ll give you a lil lesson.
Every dedicated archer knows about the jump shot and how it is a simple skill, yet hard to master. It all depends on how your keyboard works and if your fingers are quick. (Lawl, that sounded wrong)
Oh wait, I didn’t say how it is. D:
Err… you know how Sins/Hermits can attack while jumping while us archers can’t? Well the jump shot is a solution to that. Simply press your attack key at the same time as your jump key and vioa-la! You have a jump shot as demonstrated in my screenie. Not only does it look cool and make you feel like you can compete with Sins/Hermits, but it’s a faster way of training and killing monsters. For example: usually when an archer comes across a monster, we have to stop, kill it, and proceed which is kinda slow, while Sins/Hermits just jump forward, throw a star and move on without even stopping. With this jump shot, an archer can sorta of adapt into an attacking form similar to that of a Sin/Hermit.
Aren’t I smert? =D
It took me a SUPER long time to master this and I’m sure I’ll be even more stronger when I reach my 3rd job advancement. You can’t be the strongest archer in Bera if you don’t know how to use the Jump Shot well.
Well… I’m gonna log on and train some more. Maybe screw around with some noobs or something.
~Happy Mapling from 13lue
I love you.
Also, congratulations.
[I’m playing on a ‘sin and. . . I’m not exactly that good at jump-shooting.]
Awesome, gratulationzorz on mastering the Archer Jump Shot! I only did it twice on my hunter. . . on my nub ‘sin it’s so much easier DX
Congratulations on mastering how to Jump Shot on an Archer!
@ Anni, wait ’til you get Haste, it’ll get easier.
I’m waiting. ;D
LOL Anni. o.o;;
LOL Shining. o.o;;
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! -flees the Crazy Annikabelle-
I already mastered Jump Shot on my two archers.
That’s nice, Dest. -.-
My little boy has grown up.
Why thank you, I always love a nice compliment from someone
Why thank you, I always love a nice compliment from someone “
Your mom, and–
gratz on mastering the Jump Shot. If it’s like the jump-while-sitting-on-chair thing, then it’s gotta be annoying. >.>
Course it’s annoying. D: But I solved it by simply setting Z as my jump key instead of alt.
Jump shot is easy Since my noob archer is useing a Critical build and I don’t exactly have skills yet I set my attack to shift. Alt+Shift is a easy combination.
My jump key is surrounded by all my attack keys. Which makes it easier for jumpshooting.
*rummages for a SS* link
The only changes are that I have Rain on ‘J’ and Strafe on ‘Space’. Which mean I can jump-Rain and jump-Strafe too.
And I remember Imppala sniffing prudishly at me for being extra-jubilant when I did master the Jumpshot. Hmph.