Well today on Windia I saw this guy and looked at his name and it said scatology
I was like What The **** dude? and he said What? I love scat.
Pretty much scarred me for life.
Well after that I met this girl on maple that lives in Canada [i live in Virginia, USA]
but I’m moving to Toronto next year for my Senior year [yea, it sucks] but she lives in TORONTO also. =D
I’m so glad. I’m going to call her tommaorw just to make sure shes not a 40 year old virgin[haha] that wants to bang my cornhole. I WISH I TOOK PICS
Damn, I’ll make sure to send you guys and gals pictures
I changed my hair to metro [I’m not a poser ] because i was getting random defames for BEING DIFFERENT]
So heres a new picture of my new look.
I still have my beloved Fish Lips but i lost my old hair due [i liked it but i was getting annoyed by the defames and immature 7 year olds saying “you look g@y and you look like poo”] -sigh- when will people grow up? Thats the million dollar question.
Lol your mum gunna be like “OMG”
lol haha cool :p Toronto, r u asian, so many asians go to Toronto, theres like no black ppl there, almost none (NOT being racist), just saying.
Naw, I love asian people though
I’m just Italian/Irish.
Heh, It was such a , interesting day,
I’m just Italian/Irish.”
Asian people are awesome. XDD
Although, me being Asian, that. . . might’ve been a little biased >>;
Italian/Irish also pwns. *hasfriendwho’spartItalian*
There’s nothing wrong with Scat. Well, I like Scatman John’s songs.
Who’s this Scatman Johnson or whatever?
Good thing you commented, Ganzicus. I noticed I put the wrong tag to make that quote of an Italion person.
Btw, Scatman John is a popular guy that sings Scat very well, even though he has a stuttering problem.
It’s called Italian.
Scat ftw, man.
And BOOOO at your conforming. >:o
A few defames, here and there.
Atleast like, no one else would have that hair.
But, whatever floats your boat, I s’pose.
*Slaps Cheeze*
I’m part Italian l<
Ehh, If I get nx [maybe] I’ll change it back if my friends want it back