3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Job Names

ok these are names MADE UP by me, if you can think of a better name plz post!

job names:

3rd 4th 5th 6th

Priest –>>bishop–>>ArchBishop–>>Pope (7th = Jesus, 8th = God o.o, 9th = Buddha xD )
Mage(s) –>>archmage–>>dark mage–>> *Wiseman Bob

Ranger–>>Bowmaster–>>Bow Lord–>>*Bow King
Sniper–>>XbowMaster->>Xbow lord–>* Xbow King

Hermit–>> Night Lord->>Ninja–>>Hijacker
Chief Bandit–>>Shadower–>>Shadow Master–>>Saboteur

White Knight–>>Paladin–>Champion–>Divine Knight
Dragon Knight–>>Dark Knight–>>*Brutal Knight–>> Phoenix Knight

* = dodgy names, definately needs replacing!

So you like the names? if yes, Yay! or no, fine but comment plz.

i’m going to think of some skills in my next thread, watch out for it!

15 thoughts on “3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Job Names”

  1. the 3rd and 4th job names : we know
    the 5th and 6th job names : good job making up those names

  2. Really cool,but for mage’s i thnk like this/

    Fourth Job.

    Wizard>Mage>Arch mage *ice/or fire*

    Fith Job.

    Wizard>Mage>Arch mage *ice/or fire*>Ultimate Destruction *ice/or fire*

    Sixth Job.

    Wizard>Mage>Arch Mage>Ultimate Destruction *ice/or fire*>Power Graver *Ice/or fire*

    Hope I helped


  3. Buddha trumps god? What’s wrong with you?!? Who do you think made Buddha? Actually Buiddha isn’t even real IMO

  4. Geeze dont say things you dont know Miskothage.

    Buddha IS real but he wasnt a god.

    People just worshiped his ways and teachings!


  5. Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger

    5th job

    Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger>Snail Slayer

    6th Job

    Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger>Snail Slayer>Tim Allen

    dun dun dun. . .

  6. drunkdaddy : Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger

    5th job

    Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger>Snail Slayer

    6th Job

    Beginner>Novice>Amateur>Begger>Snail Slayer>Tim Allen

    dun dun dun. . .


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