Hello there, first of all call me toto. Well, I was bored with One million. I thought about scroll my current items. So did. Wasting only 200k I COULD DO AN ADDED .75K DAMAGE!!!!!!. Then, i went to armor use. Dex, Luk, And Jump were the main scrolls that i used. My attack went only .15K higher, BUT!! I ONLY WASTED 16HP POTS IN AN HOUR!!!!!!!!
Well yeah…. I had fun. 😛
C ya all people -toto
rofl toto lol whatever im glad u have fun
um so u hited 7500 more , and 1500more ,
those are big numbers. o_o whats your lvl and stuff?
yea what tact said
lol lvl 37 and i said .75 and .15 which means 75 and 15 hits
ummm, you speaking broken english good, ? WAHT!?! i dont understand much !