ok one today some dude was on my account and gt me banned for a week!! i dont even hack so idun know what to do i like mmo tales lol im at school at comp tech but any way what can i do??? ill have more tales later just wanted replys today good thing the school dosent block this site XD
8 thoughts on “got banned”
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Make the blog longer?
ok i have more
Combine all the blogs.
Its a sore for others to see. >.<
Its also known as SPAM here if you post 3 blogs at one go.
Someone post the welcoming speech .
I’m lazieeee .
Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
[Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]
Talk about MMO-Related stuff .
Don’t Spam .
[Thats my job .]
Blog about MMO-related stuff .
Be nice <3
And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .
*Shakes your hands with great force*
Merry Christmas!
Happy Easter!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Hanukkah!
[I forgot the spelling .]
Happy Orange Day!
[That is invented by me. Orange day is everyday! So is Fun Day, Candy Day, Insane Day. . . *Coughs loudly*]
Happy Headache Day!
Happy Internet Day!
Happy Lime Day!
Happy Jam Day!
Happy Lacrosse Day!
Happy Deranged Day!
[And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]
This is important .
Protocol .
Literate-ness .
And longer blogs, unless you’re posting a comic <3
And don’t use words like lol frequently .
[Note: I said Frequently. I didn’t say you couldn’t use them! D: I use them too >.>]
And your blog must be more interesting than that .
I guess .
Don’t post one blog after another unless you want to type crap blogs which aren;t really welcomed here . D:
I hope you understand me. . .
Actually, according to the terms of service you agreed to when you joined MS, account sharing is against the rules. So there are grounds to ban you.
But anyway, welcome to MMOTales!
Well im sorry about that, i say dont let anyone use your accounts lol. xD, and for number 2 of ideas use prxys xD, as in myspaceunblocker.org but put in mmotales.com instead of myspace lol xD well have a good day and if you play in Bera ill help you lvl up a new char for ya. just add “NoobTacticz” or “MeowMixPwns” and ill lvl you up alil
I need punctuation to decide where to end the sentence! GRRR! I’m going to eat your soul!
-=The Nazgul=-