The NX Trap

So i fell for the nx trap, i started a new char. Did the amoria quest… and got a bowl cut. At first i was telling myself its fine hats will cover it up but that wasnt working. I bought a hair change.. that led to a hair color, and then i got clothes and then a pet. I spent 35$ on NX and i still want more. Yes im hooked but hopefully my addiction will break lol.

6 thoughts on “The NX Trap”

  1. I need to get another $10 for NX but I also need to save money to get a Wii! D:


  2. XD
    Yeah, it always starts with the hair. I got tempted into changing my hair with a random coupon, and now, to actually let that silly Rose Hair of mine to look nice, I have been buying cash hats. >>

    What can we say. Hair is EVIL, nuahaha.

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