How *cough* Idiots Act

Well today, this guy that was in my buddy list got scammed over a drop game, then he’s asking for my Dark guardian (level 35 Claw) for free. Then i said No to him then he said “I asked first” tehn bla bla bla. Later, he said about a level 50 cant train him tehn i said “Cant as in hes busy” then he said not you katharine then i sad” Maybe its better if we arent friends anymore.

Then a few mins later, he whispered to me. With all of those bad languages as in flaming at me. Then another of his friend spams whispers me. then another one told me stuff about Snoop11. Then I got pissed off then I just said I am tired of this arguement, flame me all you want. then hes start cursing at me.

But the only thing he know how to do is Curse at me. thats all. Thats my story, and also Hes getting people to report me and defame me just because of that.

7 thoughts on “How *cough* Idiots Act”

  1. If you’re in Broa, I’ll help you kill that guy -________-|||
    XD Bad Friend

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. lol, dont worry, this guy is a total noob who uses people i guess. Stupid noobs like this will never learn.

    gujju ♥

  3. Lol, I also heard that Hes gonna try and hack, and if someone try or does hack him, he will make everyone’s life worse. And his attitude is starting to get worse eby the second.

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