Annoyed By People Saying “CC PLZ&

I am getting annoyed when ppl keep saying “CC PLZ” (CC means change channels) because if i dont, tehy mass defame me and maybe cuss at me. Well I don’t CC alot (well i cc if its a person higher level then me like level 6x) then when they defame me, I go and get ppl to mass defame that guy. Then a whole fight came along. But when ever they say that, i say “What if I don’t?” then bla bla bla, then i said “Well too bad, Ia m not ccing and deal with it if you got a problem.” Then they defame me and all that. And then later I mhave to buy fames and etc.

What happens if they told you to CC? Post comments please.

5 thoughts on “Annoyed By People Saying “CC PLZ&”

  1. Well it depends on a lot of things realy how they act when i talk to them and i mean i will CC most of the time if some one asks but like if i cant find a better one then i come back and say naw im good thanks for asking XD

    either tell them you were there first(if you were) or leave

  3. Lol, If i dotn cc, i get defamed like i just got right now by Lmag3L <- He was rude to me and was like “I have to level up” Don’t we all have to level up?

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