Wazza MMO-ERS? I’m Raza, a very very old MMO-ER or whatever it is and ugh I’m back. If I’m back it means I quit so yeah Anyways, hopefully I’ll be active again and write blogs that some of you will read (crosses fingers) and yeah, just have fun and share my days I guess
Anyways, I’m a 13 year old fun loving typa kid! I’m okay at grammar and um like Drama, acting and making people laugh.
Even though it doesn’t matter, I told you since I think my “readers” (once again crosses fingers) should know who I am!
Hmm.. If you check my Mmoid, you could see the last blog I had was somewhere between 2000 and 2007 (I’m too lazy too check) and it was well a blog. I know all of you love me and adore me but when I suddenly quit, where did I go? What did I do? Well, I lived life I guess. I quit Maple SEA since my cousin got me hacked because long story short: He had spy ware, I went on his CPU, got hacked. Not just me, but me, my brother, my cousin, and his two sisters!!!! Woah eh? Anyways, after being hacked, I guess I got saddened and I’m just like whatever, Maple’s the past! Since I quit Maple, I kinda quit this too
So ughh like I said, I’ve been living life! I just chilled with friends after begging my mom nonstop to let me go out once a week, writing raps, and just Basiling.
After checking out my old blogs, I just had to make one for old times sake
Well what I have been doing is…. Take a guess MAPLING! Lol, I don’t know how it started but I Maple. I have a level 47 Dexless UNFUNDED Sin who is representing my old hacked 57 from SEA. I play in Broa and I love it I guess
It’s easy training and easy money. Most people are nice too
I also have more money than EVAR!!!!!
Besides, thats my next thing to tell ya

Nah, no hacking. NEVAR! It’s really a long story but it’s good I guess. I remember it just like it was the day before yesterday.. Oh wait, it was
It went a little something like this.
I’m Mapling and then suddenly my cousin calls (he has a habit of doing that NONSTOP :o) and tells me how he suddenly got some items from his brother in like a iTCG package or something like that and ‘m amazed So as soon as I hear what he says I tell him to use it and he uses it
He gets 3 items that both of us thought were crap and we’re just like “whateva.” So later that evening I seen someone buying something like Subhani Ankh for 3m and “I’m like WOAH SO MUCH MONEY” so I trade request that person. I’m like, “3m? So much money. Howcome?” And that person didn’t say anything but asked for the item. Not trusting someone named xxm3rchanTiSt3alAllurMoneyDenBecOmeRichAndScamPoorDefencelEssNoobsxxsd I quickly checked Basil and saw it was for a whopping 35m. I quickly went on my cousin’s account and sold it
I told him and he promised me 10m! YAY! The next day he calls and he’s like “I can’t give it cause I’m too excited and I wanna keep it” and I”m like “dubble you tee eff?” So I sulk and am okay until he’s like, “I’ll give it to you” and even though I wanted it, I didn’t except it until he threatened to give it to some random noob which I DIDN’T AGREE WITH because why give it to a random noob while you could give it to your noob cousin? Lol. Anyways after that I sold him some cheap Tobis and cheap W.g. and we split ways. I bought some stuff and now have 1 Steely, 6 Tobis and a Snowball
I also have a 34 Atk Kandayo and 8 Atk W.g. with 2m left over. I’m going to buy my other 3 cousins gifts since they’re poor even though I try to help them out but still, family is family
I’m happy and yeah
I bought my brother a gift first so don’t worry
Now I go bug my brother about Maple and try to help him get to level 30 so I can help him out level my poor cousin who’s level 37 WHO I FUNDED and yeah. I hope you guys / girls liked it and could bear it. I would post pictures but can’t since it’s my cousin’s laptop who won’t let me download Maple on it Thanks for reading and hi to everyone…
Yurrr boi…
Thank you for liking it but no feed back :/
I love how I see
every two sentences.
Merchant: Profit is king.
Profit in MS mostly comes from ripping off nubs.
Welcome back. ♥
What’s with the overly excited smileys? o.o
@ funny: I like to smile and express myself
@@ Ann: Thanks and I really don’t dig into ripping off people put if I have to then a man gotta do what a man gotta do, Especially if he;s 13
@@@ Trev: I know man, it’s sick
This blog’s infested with those sickening smiley faces. QUARANTINE!
I am to be referred to as ‘Smexy Froggy’ or just ‘Froggy’.
You have so many smileys it makesmyheadexplodewithjoy
I remember you!
Oh yeah, welcome back to the land of the living, Raza.
Good to have you back. There aren’t too many oldbies left.
I think I remember you. Vaguely. o.o;;
A yellow wall of smilies >.<
Err welcome back. Ignore the incomplete sentence up there.
Um maybe expressing isn’t that bad, Is it? 
Thanks for all the comments and yup I’m back
I’ll reply a bit later after I’m done with this since I’m at someone house,
Thanks for the support and there’s nothing wrong with positive emotion is there?
*Shudders* Auto-emotes. Like anyways, good blog. I read it all.