Alrite, this is for the people who are always critisizing about spelling. WHY WOULD CARE HOW PEOPLE SPELL STUFF? If you can’t read it thats your problem, learn how to understand and write Slang. You may not know how old these people are or also how dumb so just keep those “GRAMMER PLEASE” type of stuff to your self. It’s internet, so it does not matter how you write.

I was just bored and it was in my mind… Don’t be so mean! Keep the peace and encourage!

11 thoughts on “STOP WITH THE CRITISIZING Shift 11!11!!!”

  1. The common expectation in stories and whatnot is that the person must have put in some effort, especially if they’re asking for likes. If they don’t even use spellcheck and punctuation, how can that demonstrate effort? Does someone really deserve likes for putting in no effort?
    If you can’t read it, how can you be expected to like it in the first place, anyway?

    Also, in case you haven’t noticed, people often say something like, “it’s an interesting blog, just mind your punctuation and stuff because it makes it hard to read. But you’ve got some really good points like that one about blablabla” <== CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. People are both commenting on the good aspects, and the aspects that could be improved on.

  2. Indescane said: “The common expectation in stories and whatnot is that the person must have put in some effort, especially if they’re asking for likes. If they don’t even use spellcheck and punctuation, how can that demonstrate effort? Does someone really deserve likes for putting in no effort?
    If you can’t read it, how can you be expected to like it in the first place, anyway?

    Also, in case you haven’t noticed, people often say something like, “it’s an interesting blog, just mind your punctuation and stuff because it makes it hard to read. But you’ve got some really good points like that one about blablabla” <== CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. People are both commenting on the good aspects, and the aspects that could be improved on.”

    Someones really serious?

  3. ThisIsRaza said: “

    Indescane said: “The common expectation in stories and whatnot is that the person must have put in some effort, especially if they’re asking for likes. If they don’t even use spellcheck and punctuation, how can that demonstrate effort? Does someone really deserve likes for putting in no effort?
    If you can’t read it, how can you be expected to like it in the first place, anyway?

    Also, in case you haven’t noticed, people often say something like, “it’s an interesting blog, just mind your punctuation and stuff because it makes it hard to read. But you’ve got some really good points like that one about blablabla” <== CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. People are both commenting on the good aspects, and the aspects that could be improved on.”

    Someones really serious?”

    For me it’s not just that

    You see i dont care about grammar

    as long as it’s legible by all means go for it

    but theres a limit

    As you can clearly see i capitalize random words and i dont use periods

    i double space as well

    Can you understand what i am saying?


    Then you have the people who:

    2day i was plying ms and i pq with friend and we cant beat cuz person log and we have fun anyway

    That can be interpreted so many different ways that it is as good as spam

    legible writing also shows you put effort into your post

    nobody wants to read your post if you dont put SOME form of effort in it

    the least you can do is add 2 letters to “u” and make it “You”

    or spell correctly

    a typo is one thing but when you have multiple it shows you are rushing and not putting enough effort into what you type

    every1s just basically asking plz spell check this 5 times,edit ure grammer mistakes, and plz read it over 20 times be4 u submit this
    yeh the only time where ure grammer should be perfect as possible is if ure writing a story or something

  5. If you bought a book that read, “i wnt 2 teh stor. i got sum mlk.”, wouldn’t you return it? It is the same situation. And writing like thisÂ…”ppl” or “sum” isn’t slang. If you think it is, you really need to tale a step outside.

  6. God, just spell correctly. It makes everyone’s life easier and it also makes you look better, not likes the thousands of noobs on Basil. Punctuation, capitalization, grammar and others = icing on the cake. But at least take a few seconds to proofread your post, make edits, and re edit after you post when you do make mistakes. Also, I must point out that this has nothing MMO related, unfortunately.

  7. Well, I sorta dissagree.
    I used to have TONS of spelling errors in my typeing, and because people didn’t like that, I tried to work harder on my typeing, and spelling!
    (I needed to do that any way, I’m a writer! ^_^ ^o^)
    I don’t see the joy in typeing badly, it upsets people, and gives them a difficulty in reading your conserning thoughts! (And don’t start saying it doesn’t, if it didn’t, then why was this blog made in the first place? =/ )
    Yes, some may not know better, and some may be to low on intelect, and/or to lazy to do any better,
    WHAT’S WORSE? When people make A NEW TYPE OF TEXT *LANGUAGE!* =O
    brt! (Bath room time!) lshtihal! (Laughing so hard that it hurts a lot!) How was I suppost to know that?!
    What’s worse: PloX! (I never figured that one out. . .)
    What I’m trying to say is: Any, and everyone should at least TRY to spell better, just so it’ll please everyone else.
    For those people that don’t care what other people think, that’s okey, FOR YOU!
    And for all the selfish people that do such things, knowing it’s going to start a blogs like this and/or to annoy people. . . I leave no commet for you. = (
    Any one can do what they want, and type as they want, it’s there choice, and if they want to, NONE OF YOU have a right to accuse them of beeing “Noobs” or “Lazy,” because you don’t know the EXACT reson why there doing it, so just ignore it if you dislike it so, there’s always a *Back Space* on your browser.
    Don’t read that comment, or, even better, Blog!
    It’s all up to you, and the typer. . .
    You should always consern other people, who wants to read your post if it’s all messed up? I don’t!

    If I insulted any one on this comment and/or Blog, PLEASE let me know, because I didn’t mean to. . .


    – Little preacher man.

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