Raza’s Bio!

Well I saw alot of people making these so I thought, why not make one myself :S?

Name: Raza Khan

Age: 12

Birthday: July 30th 1994

Gender: Male

Colour: Brown

Backround: Pakistan

Hobbies: Chilling with friends, Mapling, Msning XD I don’t know if thats a word, playing sports, PS2, Basling, MMOing, and recently drawing my friends pictures. I also like acting so you better get my auto graph because in about 5years you can sell it for 1k + because I’ma be an actor XP!

About me: Well I’m a good hearted kid! I like t have friends, I’m popular and I’m not a bully. I get along with everyone! I like school and I like home XP. Um I’m about 5’2 and uh what else. Some of my strengths are I participate alot and I include everyone in what I do, also m presentations are the best ones, and some weakness are when I’m stuck with someone I really dislike or I get what I don’t want then I sulk and don’t do anything; but now I’m trying to work on it, also I’m sometimes lazy an OH I FORGOT, I’m so darn good looking that it’s not fair for all the girls that theres only one of me, too sad but I can fix that! Just joking, I like entertaining people and trying to make them laugh. Well thats a bit about me!

Buh Bye!


4 thoughts on “Raza’s Bio!”


    sorry about my mistake earlier. i just mistook the name Raza as a girl name *apologies*
    BUT PAKISTAN! AWESOME! *thumbs up all the way*

    what’d you do on eid?

  2. lol Raza, the bios were were rp. My real name is NOT Gujju, and i dont have fiyah powah.
    lol, your pakistani! Cool, desi people!

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