Well yeah.. I wanted to draw it because she’s also nice and a very nice fan so I thought I would make it! It’s not as pwning as Aliyahs cause she’s a PRO but I’ll gradually get better:D


Also I will make your pictures later when I am a better drawer! Sorry for these bad pictures -.=

10 thoughts on “My Pic For GUJJU FTW!”

  1. Sorta wobbly o_O

    You know, you could work on some details =]

    Especially the eyes. . . that’s what makes a picture come. . “alive” if you know what I mean 😉

    Overall, it’s O.K., needs some more detail and you are on your way =D

  2. The drawing is ok and it’s cute

    Just some details here and some shades there. 😉
    Doing great, keep practising 😉

  3. No offense, but I really think its mediocre. ksry.
    The lines are deformed, the picture quality poor, and the drawing really doesn’t show much effort. Like a doodle on the side of your test page. D:

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