At first, when I logged on into Maplestory, I was training for a while, I remember I need to pay back someone back real quick, I started to train, I was a bandit at that time, I was always getting ksed. Such rasict to bandits mostly…
After 4 or 5 minutes later, A priest and a ranger came in and the priest said that he won’t be change channels to anyone. So, yeah, I was starting to get ksed (as always…), then like few minutes later, they partied me and train together, I said brb for a while (I was doing my homework), then like 3 minutes later, I came back from afking, they all left.
I went back to El Nath to re-pot, I was thinking about Orbis PQ again. I went all the way up, and got into there. I joined a party, and when I got in, someone left and we missed as well. That was count number 1, but some how the party that got in left on accident (I think) and the leader went and try find a party member, but there was one that was saying joining party, we all keep saying, “LEADER THERE IS A GUY JOINING A PARTY RIGHT HERE!”
We kept on doing that a bunch of times, and he finally came and invited the guy, and it was too late, we missed another one, miss count number 2. We found an empty channel, there was like 5 people there. I said, “Hey guys! There’s only 5 people here, lets try this channel,” but they ignored me.
Then another guy came into the waiting room and 6 people disappeared. I said, “DUDE! I was telling the truth! We missed again!” Miss count number 3, after 1 hour of trying to get in, the miss count was now 12. I was started to get deseprate. Then I left the party, and try find a party to join, I joined a party, they were all in channel 9.
I went there, and I finally got in! I felt so relieved after I got in finally. Then like about, 1 minute later, the leader KICKED ME OUT OF THE PARTY! I was so ticked off about that, and they invited b0ob for some dumb reason… I guess that was miss count number 13.
So right now, I learned something. Level 70+ are JERKS! (Some aren’t, but some people are nice like yugiohgx1233 :D)
I wanna try the oPQ, but I’m not level 51 yet. But my RL best friend is a lvl 51 cleric, maybe I should try on her account. . .hmm. . .
I wanna OPQ, but I’m still 3 levels away!
oPQ seems interesting, I’ve tried it before.
You actually have to use a brain xD
I can’t try it!
Those loser-heads won’t accept level 81s.
Lol, I can’t try it either, I’m level 74 =[ BooHoo. I hate how Nexon just completely killed us with the DT snipe spots and zombies. WHERE THE HELL DO THEY THINK PEOPLE WILL TRAIN AT FROM LVL 71-80? >:o “Back to yetis” like my friend says ;_;