I had a very weird dream. I didn’t know how it all happen, but I tell you what happen. It all started when I fell asleep. Then something hit my head with a rock. Feels so real when I got hit by a rock. I got up from my back, and looked around. I didn’t know where this place is. I got up, and I looked around. I looked at myself, I was with a level 60 thief dark hat! “Whoa,” I said, “Am I in maplestory? But how? If I’m level 64, where’s my weapon?” I looked on my right hand.
Nothing, I looked on my other hand. Nothing has well. I looked at my shirt, A level 60 dark top for thieves, and also the pants as well. same with the gloves and shoes, but where is my weapon and shield? But I had one big question. Who is controlling me?! I started to walk forward to explore where I was. There was dead trees, gray sand, and in the sky looks like blood. I was wondering if this would work.
I tried to open an item inventory somewhere, and it worked! I looked around in my item inventory, and looked in my equipment items. There was my wedding clothes, but no weapon or shield. “WHERE THE FREAK IS MY WEAPONS?!” I said in a loud voice. “And where the heck am I?” Out of nowhere I heard a voice that sounded very familar… “Your in my place Thief.” I know who calls me that a lot!
“Is that you Zeroske?” I saw a dark figure from the smoke far away. “Yes, it is me Thief. Zeroske. I must be a dragon knight. And YOU are the only one that can make ME a dragon knight!” He pointed his Holy Spear at me. “What do you mean Zero?” I said in a small voice. “You are the only one that has the perfect exp for me to level to 70.” He said in a dark voice. “Wait! What about your other friends?” I said panicing. “They all are way too powerful for me to fight. You are the only one that are weakest in my buddy list.” He said. “WHAT?!” I said madly.
“Your heard me Thief. YOU are the weakest one I know since I met you. It’s time to fight Thief!” He started to make his battle pose. “Wait! I don’t got a weapon!” I said. “Huh?” He said confusing. “Yeah, I can’t find my weapon. Maybe it’s around here somewhere Zero. Help me find it, and we can fight.” I said. “Uhhh… Sure I guess… He dropped down and try find my weapon. I sneaked away very quick before he realized I left. “Where is my weapons,” I said in my head. I some how I didn’t know how to use my Haste and Dark sight. I heard a very loud voice… “THIEF YOUR DEAD!!!!”
Oh god… I started to run, but I didn’t know where to run to. I started to run where ever I can get away from Zeroske. Then I was out of breath from running. I looked behind me, I see someone small from where I’m standing. There was something shining, and it was a spear! “Oh god, it’s Zero… How did he get me so fast?” I said in my head. He was running and putting his spear tip forward like the game Joust, and running very fast! I had to act quick! I felt something on my back, I looked around on my back, and it was my weapon and shield…
“How long was it been there…” I was such an idiot to look on my back at first… Anyways, I pulled them out and got out my Deadly fin, and Nimble shield. I haven’t got a Jurgen Shield since I was too poor. I didn’t know how I use dagger booster, but I had to start to fight now! I went to Zero, and start my battle pose, and ran into him. We finally started to fight for once, but he was really strong for being a level 69.
Anyways, When we finally met, I tried to stab him with my attack. I hit him, but he lunged him spear at me, I quickly dodged the spear before it hit my head. I kicked my leg to his foot to make him trip. “I didn’t know we can use our foot and legs for battle..” I said in my head. I tripped him, and he fell down, but tried to swipe with his spear to hit my feet. I quickly jumped and all of a sudden, he raised his spear and hit my left arm. “No…” I said in my head.
The pain went too much for my left arm. I couldn’t raise my shield again, I fell down on to my knee. And Zeroske slowly walked to me and raised his spear again, putting his spear down near my head. “This is the end for you ThiefBT.” He said in a dark voice. All of a sudden, inside me, a voice out of nowhere said out loud, “No, it’s not over!” I raised my weapon, and hit Zeroske with my right arm, and he went sliding away from me. I ran to the left of Zero real quick.
“My haste works,” I said in my head. I lunged myself to Zero, I attack him six times, and I went right through him, “Was that my savage blow?” I looked back of myself. Zero was on the ground on his back, with the marks of the savage blow symbol. It said, “Cut the sky until it bleeds.” I guess that was savage blow. I put my weapon away on my back, and walked over to Zeroske. He looks very beated up, his body was torn up and with the mark of the savage blow. I saw his spear, and tried to pick it up.
I attempt to pick up the spear. It was too heavy for me. I guess thats way it’s only for warriors. I wonder how Zeroske would hold my weapon. *Thinks of Zeroske try to get my weapon* *The weapon comes alive and runs away from Zeroske. Zeroske tries to get it, and was too quick* I wonder what about a warrior tries to use a bow… Maybe the string will break. Or warriors try to use magician stuff. Haha, only use it to whack things. Or is it? I looked at my left arm, I still feel the pain to it. I looked at Zeroske, I looked at his face, he was still breathing!
I guess he was alive from the savage blow attack. I couldn’t see my damage on him. I acutally took his helmet off and saw his hair. A bowl haircut. I tried to stop laughing about the bowl haircut. I was finally away from that mad man Zeroske. Then I felt very sleepy. I went down on the ground and closed my eyes.
I woke up! I was back to my bed, I was back to real life again. It was already 7 A.M. I logged on to Maplestory, and I saw Zeroske, I talked to him about my dream, and he said that he had the same dream as me! Just he was defeated by me. I laughed at him. “You want to fight again Thief?!” “Uhh.. no” I’ll stop the story here.
I have no clue how we and Zeroske got the same dream….
If you like it, and it is a 10 Like, I’ll make the other part of my dream.
Um, this IS a REAL dream eh or is this a stroy? This can mean you’re playing maple too much,
i liked it
but like cookiesNpie said, if this was real, then ur playing maplestory way too much
but if it was fake and made up, it was very entertaining and fun
its real, i played too much maplestory, i guess i got that dream.
Meh, your story’s probably better anywho. XD