It all started two year ago. It all started when my friend Brian (He was an idiot to me), and showed me Maplestory at around April 2005. We both went to Broa (There was only like 3 servers, Broa, Bera, and Scania). I first didn’t know which class to be. A thief, a warrior, a magician, or a bowman. I was thinking of a thief, because I was thinking about being a sin. Then I waited for my friend to get off of Maple Island. I was waiting on the boat for him (He was really in Bera…) for a long time. Then I saw a girl name kirara, so I chated with her for a while, and we were friends after a long chat.
I went on to AIM, and said, “Dude, where are you? I’m waiting for you for like a hella long time!” He responded, “Dude, I’m on the boat waiting for you!” “…. Brian… I don’t see you.” “Well my name is XovinhoX1. What’s your name?” “ThiefS” “Nice name!” “I know, and I DON’T SEE YOU DAMIT!” I went back on Maplestory and looked for him. I can’t see any of his name anywhere. So I tried track him where he is. It said, “Unable to find “XovinhoX1”
… I went back to AIM and start to complain to him. “BRIAN YOU IDIOT! I CAN’T FIND YOU! YOUR IN BROA OR NOT?!” “I am in Bera” “… Brian. I said Broa… Not Bera you idiot….” He changed to Broa finally. So then, playing for a long time over there for like, 3 or 4 weeks, one of Brian’s friend told us to go to Scania. Brian went there and made a character already. I was talking to kirara about going to Scania and join me over there as well. She was saying ok…, so then we made new characters, and I deleted my character in Broa with everything in there, (Yes, I’m an idiot) and I made a new character in Scania. It was ThiefDS. It was starting to be a bandit, since I saw some bandit did 800 six times, then I wanted to do the same with that.
I went and made a strength bandit on accident (It was my nephews fault he made me a str bandit. He put all 5 on str, I beat him up for that). I went and my friends let me leech for a while, as kirara didn’t seem to come to Scania. So then I stayed there for a long time, at level 50, I stopped and came to Broa to see my friend there, kirara made a cleric and she had a boyfriend. I was a little jealous about that. I made a new character in Broa now, it was ThiefBT. I played until I was level 20. I stopped, and my friend yugiohgx1233 (Level 63) said, “Steve! I’ll train you, don’t leave,” “But you ksed me at snails!” I logged off and defamed him for a laugh. He had 127 fame now.
And when I got back to my level 50 bandit, yugiohgx1233 called me on the phone. He said, “OMG STEVE YOU DEFAMED ME YOU *****! Watch your back at school!” (lol) I said, “Sorry Bao, it was for a laugh I would like to see you get mad! HAHAHAHAH!” And I hung up. When Ludi came out, I was level 51 by then (Dam… I wanna do ludi pq…) Then I went to Gatekeeper for fun, and it stunned me a bunch of times, but didn’t hit me with the sword yet… I got pasted it, and i went to the middle of the big clock where Papu was (the clock boss) and found a bench and sat on it. I was thinking a lot about my friends in Broa. I some how regret leaving Broa and coming into Scania. I said to all my friends, and said, “I’m gonna be back for a while.”
I went and transfer all my items to my mule, and then I deleted my character and made a new one. This time, It’s luck bandit. I made my way to level 32 and I got my friends back in Scania, and said to all my friends again, “I’m not gonna be on Maplstory for a while. If you want to remove me for a long time, GO FOR IT!” And I left for good. I went back to Broa finally, my friend Bao was level 80 Priest now. He gave me 5mill for a start. And I kept watch on my friend kirara. I totally regret leaving Broa with my old friends there. (At least I get to go on my friend’s priest lol) kirara was level 46 I think, and I was level 37.
I was starting to get deseprated to be level 40. I joined one of my friend’s friend’s guild, Masamune. There was a lot of people friendly there. I made it to level 40 finally, and kirara was level 50? I forgot… Then when I got to level 50, she was level 58. I liked wearing my china set (I’m asian btw, vietnamese and chinese) and my shinkita. So slow with the shinkita with dagger booster. Then I got to level 55. Half way there to level 60. And kirara was finally my “friend”. She doesn’t talk to me as much as the past. I have 2 new goals now. Be level 80 by end of the school year, and wear dark pirate gear. And the other goal was to out level kirara.
I finally got to level 60, and Brian my idiot friend said, “Why you in Broa?” “Because my friends are there.” “What about your old friends in Scania?” “I think they deleted me.” “Oh, by the way, I’m going to viet school with you next week.” “WHAT!?!?!?” “You heard me” “THEN I’M BRINGING MY COUSIN THAT YOU KSED AND BEAT YOUR ***!” And he logs off. That should threat him enough. Anyways, When I got to level 61, she was going to be married, I was invited, and my friend bao too. We got in and with many different people as well. I didn’t know who was who. At least I was with my old friend at school. He’s the best friend I got so far.
Then, kirara’s boyfriend (New one) got married with her. It strucked my heart, and I was like about to faint, but the beast inside resisted it. (Bah, yeah, I had a beast inside, ever since I got into a big fight with my gang and some mexician gang at school. I was beat up pretty bad, but then I had something inside me, and it some how, started to come out and gave me power to beat up them. I was bleeding very bad on my right hand. And I some how didn’t feel the pain. Oops! Sorry I got carried away anyways) I was in there for 1 whole hour.
I got my fighting equipment, and killed the cake monsters, and got in and got my prize and left. The prize was a sushi (I like sushi :P), my friend bao got pure water. I was laughing at him when he got it. Then one of my friend said, “What does BT stands for?” “Bandit or Beast,” I was level 62, I trained at coolies for a while. Then my buddy list was full. I said to my buddy list, “My buddy list is getting full… I’ll start deleting people if they don’t respond to me, execpt if they are in channel 1.” I deleted some people that never went on. Then I went to kirara.
I said to her, “Kirara, should I delete you?” “I’m at striges peter!” “… kirara are you gonna answer me?” She didn’t say anything. “kirara are you there?” She says nothing. I deleted her. I got to level 63, and I went to Henesy for trading in the golden easter egg. Kirara was level 62 or 63. She was looking for a Maplestory boyfriend level 50+ and in real life have to be 15+ (I think she found one already). I said, “o.o” and she said, “Shut up steven.” I said, “Fine. I never liked the new you.” She changed when I went back to Broa when she was at her level 40s. I haven’t changed since I came back to Broa.
People changed in life. People don’t change because they love someone, unless they want them to change.
If your reading this Kirara, I never did changed. And please, CHANGE BACK TO YOUR OLD SELF! I NEVER DID LIKE YOUR NEW ATTIUDE! I liked your old attiude. If you keep acting like an @$$hole, I will never think you would get another boyfriend like that.
What a way to ask.
Good blog though.
Wow . . .
Uhh. Just wondering. I started around July (?) 2005 and only Bera and Scania were out. x_X Maybe I have my dates mixed up?
That really sucks when your friends change. =/ I’ve deleted a couple before, and it gets pretty awkward when we run into each other. Usually they quit for a while though and just rejoined MS, so they don’t get too mad. >.<