Ever been accused of hacking?

Hello everyone! Well I’m new to mmotales and thought I’d blog about something that affects all of us Maplers!

I’m sure many of you have experienced this (and I’m sure there are many who have shared their experiences in this) Ever been accused of hacking when you never were (or never have for that matter)? I have never hacked, nor do I plan to.

On of my characters that I’m just starting out is currently a Rogue. One day, as I was fighting at Pig Beach, I think I lagged or something because the guy fighting to my left called out “HACKER”. I looked to him and asked him, “where? who’s hacking?” so that I could find the person and report them. He looked strangely at me and replied, “You.” Apparently he thought I was using God Mode since I wasn’t getting hurt! I figured it was either lag or he didn’t see something right and when I showed him that I wasn’t using anything by walking into a few pigs, he said “You turned it off.” Blah…after trying to reason with him, I gave up and ignored it.

But, then I realized…this happens to a lot of higher levels usually. People accuse them of hacking just because they can’t believe that someone could get somewhere without ever cheating. It kind of makes me worry about my main character and when she becomes a dk, seeing as how a lot of dks tend to use cheats (or used them in the past to help them get to where they are).

I guess it’s just something that we’ll all have to deal with eventually. If people refuse to believe us when we say we’re not hacking, then that’s that!

I’ll put up a pic of my main character in case anyone is curious I’m in Windia. If any of you read this and see me, don’t be afraid to say hi!

– theSovereign

15 thoughts on “Ever been accused of hacking?”

  1. Luckily, I have yet to be accused of hacking.
    Although most people are sterotypical (Not on this site) and stick warriors with hacking.
    [Edit]: Welcome to the site! A select welcoming committee will come by soon.

  2. A number of times I have been accused of hacking. Once when I was using my bowman (Frecce on Windia ^^ ) and I guess some combonation of my laptop and wireless internet made me lag some. At that point I was in LotWB2 and a mage there accused me of Item Vacing. Later on my Warrior (Scania) I was told that I was sliding around and not walking. . .weird. Also there’s a trick that lets bowman do jump shot (pointless, but fun to do) and someone called me a hacker for it. Bleh. Aslong as you aren’t actually hacking, GMs will just ignore reports, maybe watch you some. God, I’m such a wind bag sometimes.

    P.S. WELCOME! ! !

    Annikabelle said: “HIIIIIIIIIII .


    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    Don’t talk 1337 .

    Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

    Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

    Don’t make popularity blogs .

    Read the rules if in any doubt .

    Don’t cuss .

    Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

    Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

    Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

    Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    – *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

    Try it .

    Its delicious <3

    And not poisoned .

    -Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

    *Snaps fingers*

    Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .

    And you SHALL obey all of the above, or I’ll hunt you down .

    Beware of the fluffy parakeets waving the pillows of feathers at the cow jumping over the orange singing “We wish you a merry Christmas” completely off key, because cows can’t sing for an ice cream watch. The orange screams, and jumps off the cupboard just to find a tsunami screaming that the sky was falling and penguins were riding on sea turtles! Run because a guy in a Halloween costume turned into a dwarf and is currently raiding a sweet shop, and ignoring the coconuts being thrown on him by radioactive lizards! >;O

    Fifteen men on a dead men’s chest!
    Yo-hoo ~ and a bottle of rum!
    What are you doing, you parakeets!
    Don’t squish the captain’s feet!
    The ship’s doctor’s face turned red-
    OH CURSE IT, he cried!

    And the pirates were sued by a bunch of parrots that were actually illegally transported ladybirds who ate beds. The fluffy pillow was impaled by a nuclear weapon when a pirate hypnotized a piece of bread. The pirate jumped off a seashell when he realised that cats were extraterrestrial monsters that were taking over earth, and still couldn’t believe it even when a wall thermometer slapped him in the brain! The deceased captain rose in his coffin and mumbled that he had a great sleep, and he petrified his mourners who were eating purple caterpillars and being drunk. Then he rode on shark, and bought a circus, and called it “JAWS” and made a movie, which led to the prejudice of sharks.©”


  3. Wow, I never was accused of hacking, O.o And welcome to MMO Tales! I’m kinda new too! XD

  4. Frecce, how many times do I have to tell you guys? THat’s ANNI’s welcome speech. Seriously, stop copying and pasting it as if it’s just some “Rules of MMO” thingy. If ANNI doesn’t want to do te welcome speech, then that’s not any of our problems. It’s HER trademark. Gawrsh. -_-


  5. I was watched plenty of times by other ice lightning wizards. One swore I was hacking because i brought all of the monsters into one spot. It may look like hacking but it isn’t. Since my lightning is weak, I only hit monsters, in this case lorangs, once and make them follow me to a certain location. I hit everything that is in my way and just stand on a high platform killing them. I don’t call that hacking, I call it being smart.

  6. Hello.
    I’m in Windia as well.
    I’m islapbabies, haha.
    I get accused of hacking constantly.
    Too bad no one has a screenshot of me doing it.
    Probably ’cause I’ve never touched a hack in my life.

  7. Reves said: “Frecce, how many times do I have to tell you guys? THat’s ANNI’s welcome speech. Seriously, stop copying and pasting it as if it’s just some “Rules of MMO” thingy. If ANNI doesn’t want to do te welcome speech, then that’s not any of our problems. It’s HER trademark. Gawrsh. -_-


    Umm, if you’ll notice, I was the one who informed Anni of that thread, and from my understanding she has no problems aslong as she has credit and is informed of any changes (and none have been made). Also, if you took the time to check, I have pointed out a number of times to other people about giving her credit. The only reason we post it as a quote of her is because she’s not a robot and can’t cover every last one. Please check your facts before correcting me.
    Edit: It pretty much is the rules of MMOTales, and yes it’s her trademark. That’s why we put her name infront of it.

    And Anni, if any of the above is wrong, I will gladly erase my comment and not use it in the future.

  8. @Reves: The welcoming speech was edited by me too have put a copyrighted sign over her welcoming speech, which doesn’t allow people to change. Anni gave us permission to use it. That’s also why we quote it, and not flat out copy and paste it.


    AND WELCOME TO MMOTALES! I’m Dest1, but people know me as. . .



    ~Grimno ( Teh eccentric dude )

  9. EEEEEEEE! You’re on windia !

    There’s not a lotta poeple in windia :[. I’m in windia
    And yes i agree with the whole hack accusing thing, i was at wraiths once and this warrior thought i hacked because i can use heal to mob – -“. Or like when you jump and heal you can damage the ones at the top platform o_o”

    (Sorry for a long comment haha) My IGN – Skitzors
    Hope to see you randomly on winida haha.

  10. Hmm… I feel like picking on Skitzors today.

    Misspelled interjection, capitalization, comma misuse, random emoticons in text, starting words with conjunctions, missing a period, improper use of hyphen, and much more stuff! O:<

    Just wanted to let you know. ^-^

    I still love you.


  11. I’ve been accused for using Shadow Partner. o.o But I suppose that doesn’t count since the person who accused me was a hacker himself, right?

    But I’ve been accused of speed hacking because I Flash Jumped. >_>

    Oh, and Welcome to MMOTales! Enjoy your stay and please wear hard helmets due to constantly falling debris and explosives!

  12. Mobbing .

    Grr .


    I need to get a coral first .


    I’m Anni .

    [[Do not call me anna, or even anne . >>; Don’t think about it . D; ]]

    Your words are correct, Frecce .

  13. O H O H

    Ive been accused of hacking because apparently IM A DRAGONKNIGHT AND DK’S ARE KNOWN TO HACK.

    And also. . .They are jelous of the manly leather purse I wear constantly.

    And welcome to mmotales!

  14. I got accused of cheating, stealing, breaking people’s friendships, destroying their homes, firing a couple of nuclear ICBMs, and eliminating the whole werewolf fraternity. BUT NEVER HACKING! >< ||

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