Were should I train

I’m a level 32 two handed axe fighter and I was just wondering were I should train. I’m currently at Excavation site three. Should I stay here until level 37 or so then go to lorangs I’m just wondering were to go

Thanks =P

6 thoughts on “Were should I train”

  1. Try evil eyes. Any cave, though I personally like the first and third.
    Start from the top, keep going down and slash blasting, and when you get to the bottom go into the cash shop and out again, and you’ll automatically be at the top.
    Carry some all-cure for the Jr. Boogies there.
    Sell the drops at a city and use the VIP cab to come back/go to the 24-Hour store.
    Forum-er-ed-ness. I think.
    Yea, that’s about it.

    -giggles in corner-

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