I got scammed today =/
Its really shameful since I thought it will never happen to me….
Im gonna tell you how it happened so you wont get scammed to.
I was hanging around FM when I seen someone shouting “I hate MS” , “I got scammed” , “MS SUX IM QUITTING” and he start to drop lots of items (like 1-20 mil each) , then he say “follow me for more” and go to a room in the FM , having some players following him. (we will call him “person A"
then , he (person A) asks “who got all the things” , someone (we will call him “person B" ,his scamming parner, says that he did.
then ,person A pretends that he wants to give his stuff in a fair way, and asks for ideas how to do it ,and person B proposed to do drop games.
for everyone who doesnt know what “drop games” are – the rules are simple , you drop some items in a high platform where no-one can take your stuff and you get a prize , its not really a game , its just a way to scam people.
so his person B goes up and drop some items , and after he picks them up , person A go to him and drop him a very worthy item.
all of this show is ment for other players to drop items, if you drop crappy items , person A will go and give you a prize , if you drop a good item , he will loot it (with some kind of hack he has – he can loot items from far away) and run away.
**for all of the sceptic ppl , he doesnt use the teleport arrows on the FM room , he is hacking**
I knew its a scam so I said that I wont drop anything till the guy who offered the drop games (person B) goes away , so he went away and I dropped some crappy items , and person A dropped me something crappy (worth like 200k).
after that ,I dropped some good items just to mess around (like 2 at a time , so I can take them back before he moves) but his hack was too quick and he managed to get 2 of my good items…. (like 1.5 mil worth- not that much for me , but it still hurts to be stupid).
I followed them around ,trying to warn some other ppl , but they still scammed a few , and I got lots of people to report them to , hope they get banned ASAP .
now if you hate scammers , report those 2 guys – MagicPwner and viddog4 (ive been told that a girl named bak0n is helping them to).
Ah, well good luck.
Just so you know, Drop Games are strictly agains’t the rules of MS, you could get frozen for just participating. So be careful!
Didnt know that ^^ , Im not doing drop games anywayz ,
hah I know MagicPwner. He’s a noob -_-
lol any drop game player usually has autoloot just keep tht in mind and why else wud they ask for a drop game unless they have autoloot?
Drop Games- bad idea. only do one if ur with ur GOOD friends u know in RL. then if they dont give it back, u can hurt em
If i do it they say equips only and i drop some jean shorts >< so yea, drop very low lv stuff (lv0-10) or dont do it at all!