Well I decided I wouldnt blog again till I had something too blog about and well I levelled to 83. I put the points in Meso up as I maxed shadow partner. I sold my glowing whip for the extortionate sum of 42mil. Then in my own gullible way I went and got myself scammed.
In more happy news I met the amazing Guruji. I was going over to Vic because I hadnt been to Amoria on my hermit standing there then he hops up. He made me change channel I still dont know why. When we got there we met up with Aliyah and she wanted a screenie like every time I have seen her. After Aliyah went me and Guru explored Amoria but I swear he moves from building too building faster than anyone I know. I had already gone to Amoria on my bandit about 10 minutes after the patch and I got too see my first GM ever and I have played this game for ages.
My Guild maybe about to recover we havent been the same since the highest level quit because of the nx cash thing before the summer he is also the leader. Apparently there might be a wipe on Ragnarok so if there is he is going too come back and I had almost caught up as well. Well the time difference hasnt really help a large majority of the guild live in Canada and I live in Britain.
1: Me Levelling (I was only at zombies because my sister was getting KSed non stop)
2. Guru at Orbis
3. My version of the screenie that Aliyah wanted
4. Guru and me at Amoria
Im not much of a writer is this short or not?
Lets see if it accepts it this time
you dont even know it but i passed you about 7 times in the last few days XD
Really? well that proves that i didnt know it
whoa amoria looks godly in hi quality o.O

zomg, i can’t believe i didn’t see this blog of yours
well, it was fun hanging out while it lasted, too bad my mommy came home. xP
Krog Like alot. Krog will fudge 1 like.
I’m your stalker,