Well, my school friends and I have just started up a guild in Windia. It’s pretty much a free guild. I decided to make the ranking either my if you donate items, or reccomended by a Master, or Jr. Master. I’m pretty much the banker. Whenever I get people its usaully a 10 minutes to 3 hour stay before they leave. I try to keep them in it, but my guild doesn’t seem to be that popular. I should be getting the emblem eventually next week. We have expanded to 20, but there arn’t alot of real people that want to join it.
If you guys want to leave ideas, or possibly join my guild [Militia], whisper me in Windia, or post here.
LOLZ my guild name is SO much better. RisingSun RULEZ IN KHAINI!
. . . Go shoot yourself. I didn’t ask for your guild name.
can i join? my ign is ILikeEggz lvl 13 archer.
I”ll join, ign is Gellatin lvl 32 xbow.
15 magician with some cash (around 500k and 2 icicles)
IGN: CursedAznBoi
HAHAHA THEISIS. Theisis said: I didnt ask for your guild name, go shoot yourself,
*, * I’ll join lol I tried to join on today but we couldn’ find 6 people so we were 2 people short, and so the party leader left to go with others in ludi and I’m like -_-;;;;
my IGN is popsickle, lvl 27
Which Server? If It’s Bera, I’m GoldenLife Level 20 Bowman
Ah! Good luck with your guild!
I’m the owner of the Liminality guild, and I’m enclosed to not give out my IGN, so if you ever see Liminality walking around, just ask for the leader and I’ll help you <3
But don’t rush things, it’s okay if your guild is small.
Talk things over with the guild- What’s more important, Finding strong members? Having people you’d like to talk to? Searching for people who are rich?
Recruiting will be easier after that.
Good luck from Liminality <3