My luck in the ludi PQ

Lasdt night I was PQing on my level 36 Page. I started a party with one guy above level 40 and it grew to 5 guys. I got in the PQ every time but my real luck came at the final PQ…..

I was clicking when some guy came up to me and said “drop game on the AFK dude” and droped some noob stuff. Then he did it… .He dropped the GOLDEN MOLE (level 50 hammer) +6 andI got it, as soon as I got it I clicked the red sign and boom we were in. We went through everything really fast and killed the boss. We went to bonus where every one went wacking at boxes. First box I hit blue moons came out. Second box I hit a red napp.. came out. Third box only mesos and some juices. Then the final box I got a blue nap.. I was going crazy and then we got to our prize, I got Skull Earings and when I got out, the same guy was standing there dropping stuff again. As I moved slowly through the crowd and up the stairs (he was below, he dropped a work glove. I jumped grabbing it and was hystrical to find it to be +5 with 5 60%s and . HE then said,” he look the noob grabbed a clean WG. Gave me the F2 face and went into the PQ. All in all a very good day.

12 thoughts on “My luck in the ludi PQ”

  1. umm, pardon me, but

    thecwarrior said: “As I moved slowly through the crowd and up the stairs (he was below, he dropped a work glove. I jumped grabbing it and was hystrical to find it to be +7 with 5 60%s and 2 100%s.”

    how does a wg have 7 slots?

  2. man ur so lucky i have the worst luck at pq today first i was in a party with a pretty fast clicker, then a ac leader needs a cleric for pq (which i am) so i knew i had to join his party because he had ac and that furiousfire (who has ac also) was there. then when it got to bonus, my old leader made it in but my party or furiousfire didnt, this is sad becuase they both had ac. THIS IS WHY I HATE AC!

  3. Sorry it wasnt a work glove I picked up that was +7 it was another item that was scrolled like that. I was just typing fast try to get my first blog in.

  4. i smell something, it could be lies or its just me who farted im not sure yet,,,,,
    ohh well ur lucky if it is true wich i hope
    ill need that golden mole! soon lvl 50 on my page ! why why i need that!

  5. I wish I was that lucky, I’m only lvl 30 but I’ve already gotten a total of 500k’s worth from zombie mushrooms including: 2 white chaos robes, 1 blue chaos robes, 1 nakamaki, 3 blu pole-feather hats, 1 50 M DEF BROWN JESTER, 24 mith ores, 32 bronze ores, 22 topaz ores, 10 saphire ores, and ~50 orange potions

  6. well xxcleric87, I have never found a rare drop while solo training so you are luckier han me ^_^( I have done about 25 PQs since and got pots every time no bonus prizes)

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