Been awhile since i wrote any blogs
In maple i hit level 40
hit 7 mil
Im a poor man…
lacking 4 str NO BALZUD!!!
I’m noob
I hit 700 damge
my name is bob
i be a long haired girl
6 boys asked me out when im a guy
real life>>>>>>>>
I failed….
my whole report card was B’s
at least im getting a lab top
I;m getting a toshiba lab top
model MS9 to sometihng like that
Ten ways to know that your crazy about maple
10.You start drawing your maplestory character
9.You call your friends when you do something cool in maplestory
8.You buy nexon cash every week
7.You call people noob(lol ,OMG HAX,CHARGIN MAH LAZ0R etc….)
6.You play maplestory 24/7<–obbvious
5.You adress your friends by there ign
4.When your family calls you scream ” IN A SEC!”
3.You start killing snails
2.dress like your character
Oh yay, I fit more than half of that list. >>; ‘Cept I don’t cosplay. I can’t imagine, if I did. Will look kinda gross.
10. I do that all the time when I’m bored in lecture and having an imagination brain fart S:
9. I don’t call them, dude, I text. Texting is like a prty in mah sokz.
8. Whoever can afford to buy nexon once a week is a psycho.
7. I tend to call people nooblets in real life . . . and all my friends in real life call me . . . GAH, if I say it you’ll know my name ~.~
6. More like 1~5/24
5. Who on earth would do that? If I were that friend I’d be pretty insulted
4. This one is BRILLIANT. So true. I do it all the time.
3. No way! Snailies are cute!
2. Isn’t this the same as number 1?
*1.* I saw someone cosplay at Otakon two years ago as mush mom
it was great.
Uhh. . .
How about when you risk your life doing stupid stunts thinking that you’ll respawn at the nearest town?
10. I try to draw my character, but then I forget what it looks like. (Really short term memory)
9.I don’t call them. I do it the old fashion way: I talk to them. and that’s only sometimes.
8.Who the heck has the mone– Oh wait, I know someone =.=
7. I call my friends noobs, because they’re like “HAHA! I KNOW KUNG FU! *Shows off skills and trips on nothing*”
6.I haven’t played maple for a while.
4.I do that for anything that I’m doing o_O
3. Snails are funny looking! Who would dare kill them? *Cough cough* >.>
2.O_O If I dressed like my character, I’d be disturbed.
*1. You mean larping? Maple way? who does that?
What’s larping? o-o;;
No they don’t mean larping. Just regular, average cosplaying.
My friend gets mad at me whenever I say pl0x in rl. D:
whats cosplay?
lol, cosplay and dressing up as ur character is the same thing! lol i always call people noobs, im
not addicted. and i always shout 1 min! but actually its 10 minutes, ^^
Larping : Live Action Role Playing
I’m afraid of getting addicted to MS. So I try to control my urge (oh that sounds like addiction
-runs in front of a car-
-spawns to nearest town-