Well, there’s a first for everything right?
I officially quit MapleStory.
Yep, it CAN BE done people, all you need is some WILLPOWER.
but I’m still addicted to Starcraft and Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne..
Argh, I wonder if anyone plays those..
anyways, MapleStory was fun, but now it’s time to go..
to another game..
Anyone have XFire?
xFire is a person on MMOTales lol. Try WYD.
I play it
or u could go to this link and find one
Nah, I’m like addicted to starcraft.
I heard Ganzicus plays, I wanna try him 1v1.
Weren’t you that famous writer?
I’m not that famous writer lol. I’m known for writing ALOT! Err,yeah. AznRiceFan, BlackNazgul, SilverFx, and many more are well known for fanfics but, I’m at the omg this guy sucks list lol. Well, I guess you could say I’m famous. Do you know xFire? o_O
Donno why but you’re name sounds familiar,
I’ve been a part of MMO Tales since liek 05/06?
Probably JesusFreak? I heard from benZON his were the best. Or was it some otha guy?
Zomg there we go.
haha, I love JF,
Yeah, but, you’ll like mine better
haha, I love JF,
if I get off warcraft III anytime soon, that is.
lol, we’re having a chat on my bloggy.
Lol yeah. . . I’m bored. Should I turn my TV on?
I guess,
dayum, there IS a person named XFire,
Yeah, she and I were good friends.
Time to go on WC III.
I wish they had a blog category for it,
Shame :/
Anehwais, bye ~
Nice talking to someone on MMO Tales again.
Okay, bye.
Wanna take me 1v1? I’m prolly betta than him F3 but I lag alot. ;D
OMG I PLAY STARCRAFT! Except I haven’t played in a LONG TIME! So I’m a bit rusty. I’ve been wanting to go back and play though. We should meet up sometime and play together.