There are events in MapleStory that really piss me off…
This latest one, Easter, is REALLY getting me mad.
For one thing, they have Yellow Easter Eggs spawn in monster spawns that NOOBS usually train at. When me and my friend started in Mardia, we kept on dying because of the stupid little pricks. They do like 50 damage to the both of us. And we were level 10!!! They took care of us in a matter of minutes (because we kept on attempting a run for it).
Last time I played MapleStory, it was during the Thanksgiving event. This was similar, except they DID NOT AGGRO!!!!!!
I wish the eggs just wouldn’t aggro. If there was only touch damage, it’d be somewhat tolerable. I’m sorry I just had to vent this out.
I keep getting owned by the purple eggs on my sin.
They just randomly start to woop mai behind and I can’t kill ’em cuz they’re bundled up!
Completly agreed. Stood there got damage and all I could say is “what? Where did that come from!”
Took me a while to figure it out. Then I was angry.
Took me a while to figure it out. Then I was angry. I am a dork and MasterCheeze is cool.”
I just took the liberty of fixing some of your typos. Okay, thanks bye.
sirsolo said: “I completely agree. I stood there and took damage, and all I could say was “What? Where did that come from?!” It took me a while to figure it out; then I was angry. Iepiat is cool.”
I just took the liberty of fixing some of your typos. Okay, thanks bye.
sirsolo said: “I completely agree. I stood there and took damage, and all I could say was “What? Where did that come from?!” It took me a while to figure it out; then I was angry. Iepiat is not as cool as MasterCheeze.”
I just took the liberty of fixing some of your typos. Okay, thanks bye.
Those fricking semicolons always get me. Also, I fixed another problem I found.
Wanna know whats funny?
Since the eggs came out and the new server came out, most people died from eggs then any monsters on the new server.
Gave me a laugh when I just realized that
But seriously, I agree 100%.
The eggs are really annoying. So I go to Red Drakes. MUWAHAHAH FOR MY SPIFFY LVL 70 MAGE SHOES! n_n